The Master Mineral
Solution of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble
MMS is Master Mineral Solution for REINFORCING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM
in his latest book
and guidepost to assist those on their journey back to health.
This book is available in paperback, hardcover, e-book and kindle format to purchase. Jim Humble makes NO MONEY from the sales of MMS products, CD'S, DVD's and books. ALL MONIES go to making more product of MMS to HEAL THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD IT and Jim has done much in 3rd world countries to date. Please check out his website for more info on MMS to create
Chlorine dioxide is
the name for MMS Water activated with Citric Acid Solution, one of the most
effective killers of pathogens such as bacteria, molds, fungus, viruses,
bio-film and other disease-causing microorganisms, which includes the vast
majority diseases of mankind Ref. (5) to
overcome their suffering (and possible death) such as Malaria, a parasite,
which has killed more people since the beginning of time then ALL THE WARS PUT
TOGETHER, HIV, Cancers and Diabetes,
Parents in the case of Autism, can have their chance to recover their children from Autism. There are 44 children that Kerri Rivera has guided parents to RECOVER their own children of Autism including her own son, since 2010. Kerri believes that Autism is AVOIDABLE, TREATABLE and CURABLE! You can GOOGLE Kerri Rivera for her wisdom and videos or go to: www.autismo2.com and if you have a child with Autism you can contact Kerri at: kerririvera@yahoo.com
Parents in the case of Autism, can have their chance to recover their children from Autism. There are 44 children that Kerri Rivera has guided parents to RECOVER their own children of Autism including her own son, since 2010. Kerri believes that Autism is AVOIDABLE, TREATABLE and CURABLE! You can GOOGLE Kerri Rivera for her wisdom and videos or go to: www.autismo2.com and if you have a child with Autism you can contact Kerri at: kerririvera@yahoo.com
MMS reinforces the Immune System to heal itself and it does
not harm stomach and intestine useful microorganisms. MMS is highly selective for pathogens that
cause diseases in the body, and does not kill the various useful flora of the stomach and intestines. This is due to the unique properties of the
chlorine dioxide molecule. Please see
several explanations given in the references. Ref. (8), (9) at www.jimhumble.biz and sign up for Jim's newsletter
This website will help you understand why MMS is so important for the health and wellness of the planet. There are videos and webinars you can watch to help you greater understand how and why MMS works in the restoration of health and there is also the above named book of Jim Humble and also an e-book and a DVD called Understanding MMS with Jim to further answer any questions to educate yourself. You can also go to one of Jim’s seminars all over the world with Jim Humble where you can go for a week to learn all about MMS and all the PROTOCOLS to restore health and become a Rev and Doctor of MMS as I did of The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing whose MISSION is CREATING A WORLD WITHOUT DISEASE.
All that info is on Jim’s site and please sign up for his newsletter for the most frequent updates of PROTOCOLS and more.
Please note: ALL
better ways are shared so signing up for Jim’s newsletter keeps everyone in
the loop at: www.mmsnews.org scroll to the bottom of the page.
Rev Sandra M Schriefer, D.MMS
For more info: call me at 617 335 9370 USA and PR ONLY PLEASE or 339 440 5492 ANYTIME, ET Zone and email: ph@sandramschriefer.com & SUBJECT LINE PUT: MMS with any Q&A
Please do a google search of: Andreas Kalcher MMS/CDS and view the
possibilities in English, Spanish, German and I believe in most languages now on
video with a scroll down to whatever language you are looking for and share the
by Jim Humble
whose MISSION is to
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