FUNDRAISER for my son, ROBBIE!!!
PLEASE help raise the FUNDS!!!!!
by Clicking on: DONATE!
Copy and paste LINK BELOW!
VIA your EMAIL using the
{GOOGLE: Carl Jung for more details}
for ONLY a $25 DONATION of what I've learned to
date in my 14th year with Master Teacher, Tom Tam
of Tong Ren of his ONGOING STUDY of
Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES in the
5th Dimension doing QUANTUM PHYSICS.
This my 5th RECORDING since 2010
and some I've shared it with are loving it!
***My first atunement to ENERGY HEALING
modalities was April of 2005 and since I've
added many to my toolbox this lifetime!
I sincerely hope you too will ENJOY this GIFT
and pets, animals benefit on speaker phone.
CHAIR for his degeneration of his posture because he is
he is blind and will ONLY give him a push chair;
his power chair is NO LONGER REPAIRABLE/
NOR SAFE in my opinion for him or the staff
to maneuver and I am Not sure LF {Leonard
Florence Center for Living} has even ordered
Robbie his push chair because my health has
been severely challenged of body, mind and spirit
since Robbie was moved from his original room of
605 when all 10 residents were moved to various
floors/houses to make 6th floor rehab to make
more money in and out for LF and moved Robbie/
me, his main caregiver, 3 days a week and often
more and put us in an Alzheimer's house with 9
residents with Alzheimer's over 2 plus years ago.
I had a car accident 4//4/17 and NO CAR for
35 weeks when transmission died the same day
I told Robbie I could NO LONGER be his health
proxy since I researched ALL his 22-24 meds an
when he went into LF he ONLY took 2 meds.
ALL his symptoms which were severe were ALL
RELATED to interaction of meds {I researched
ALL and brought info with us his year follow up
visit to his doctor who agreed with me that he was
taking too many meds and we should get together
with his team who care for him to see which meds
can be deleted. Unfortunately Betsy Mullen the
acting director of LF called MD to verify what
he told me and he denied it. Shame on him as
she insinuated I LIED. WHY WOULD I???
*****At that moment I just decided as
Kenny Roger's song goes:
"know when to hold 'em,
know when to fold 'em,
know when to walk away
and know when to run".
So I told Robbie with tears in my eyes knowing
ALL MY FACTS and research and efforts for his
safety and well being that I could no longer watch
them poisoning you with ALL these useless meds
and be in this horrific house of Alzheimer's where
normal people like you and me and visitors for you
don't belong as I told them over and over to move
us to another house and they{Betsy and in training,
Bill} who'll take over totally at some point stood
before me having the nerve to say "they have
to comply with the doctors orders for meds". How
much does the doctor get for pedaling the meds?
How much does LF get for giving them to the
residence even though they do harm? Do they even
care???? Then the 2 of them said: "they come
5 days a week to this house when everyone is at
the dinner table and have NO PROBLEM visiting
their full 5 minutes to say Hi! REALLY!!!!!
Try 7 to 12 hours a day and tell me how you feel
with a loved one confined in that negative
energy over 2 years is debilitating to your
body, mind and spirit.
Robbie was 39 when he went into LF and
HATES it there. He is now 45 last 8/14th given
35 years later after having been giving 6 months, a
year, 5 or 10 years to live. Most difficult for
Robbie, so young and LF being so unkind as to
have put Robbie in such a toxic environment and
me as a HEALER every day with those having
this horrific diagnosis and deal with the antics, the
yelling, swearing, some trying to hurt the Shahbaz
{another name in Jewish/Hebrew for PCA or CNA
and I was told 4 years ago I was going to die from
breast cancer and my entire well being has been
severely challenged and compromised.
I had to finally walk away, it was killing me the
heartbreak alone. I want to life long enough
to see him thru his transition when GOD takes him
That final day my HEART was brokenšso I
hugged Robbie and walked away cause I had been
told by mentors and psychics who just
meet me, and say I know your a HEALER but if
you don't start taking care of yourself, you will
crash. I waited too long with that wisdom and that
same day at LF and walked out in tears, drove home
and backed into my parking space my transmission
went also. GOD stopped me NOT quite dead
in my tracks. That next day I was so sick for 6
weeks and I have been working to get back to my
old self which has been more
challenging then you could ever imagine.
In ER with a diagnosis of Cellulites in my right hand
and hospitalized for 3 days. Then got it in my left
hand so I went to the herbalist who didn't pump
antibiotics and drugs into me but EARTH'S
Herbal potions which worked and then I got it in
my left foot and told to keep it elevated which was
and is impossible with NO car 33 weeks now and
NO credit to buy a car filing in 2012 bankruptcy
and loosing my home of 38 years where I raised
my 3 children but at least it went to short sale
and fortunately got into housing and moved in
9/11/11. Didn't make any money on the sale
but MOST GRATEFUL at least it didn't go to
foreclosure. So NOW hoping to get a car
DONATED and as of 10/3/18 I will be able to
afford to insure and put a car back on the road so
my foot will be able to heal. I can only walk, bus
and take the T everywhere and why My foot has
not totally healed because of my compromised
immune system due to being forced to be in that
Alzheimer's House at LF that NO normal resident
like my son, Robbie nor caregiver like me
should be exposed to on a regular basis. Life is
tuff enough for him, me and my family seeing my
child and family sharing and living this journey.
So PLEASE help us make this last
WISH of Robbie's and mine happen to raise the
money necessary to create this MIRACLE of his
This is what looked like when I got him into a
program at YMCA, Brighton 4 years ago with an
AMAZING group of young people headed by Ross
called Access Sport America. Rob also joined the
program May-October on Boston Harbor located
at Spaulding where someone with him tandem or
in a canoe, kayaking, they make Robbie do the
work with an assist. Or bike riding as he pedals as
he is strapped on and he's loving every minute in
motion. Ross and his young caring adults make it
work for each individuals specific challenge.
Robbie felt SOOOOOO ALIVE doing what he
him using stagnant muscles and connecting the
bio-electricity so he could control and strengthen
specific areas which was a MIRACLE to see him
achieve right before my very eyes. They got him
walking with an assist and he hadn't been able to
stand without collapsing for over 15 years. They
developed his quads and strengthened his muscles
and his brain began to connect that electrical signal.
I have video clips of total JOY in my što see how
hard he worked to make it happen was so worth my
time and driving in that horrific traffic and weather
we took the RIDE.
With Access Sport America as I waited and
watched not just Robbie but the successes of others
their in the same program who left feeling
empowered and happy the came and did their best
and it showed on the faces and their improvements
PLEASE bring this SMILE
BACK to Robbie's face. Notice LIGHT of GOD
on Robbie's forehead on his 3rd eye. He is my
ANGEL and why I have learned what I have
because he's been the "Wind Beneath my Wings"
will enable us to leave the property of LF whether
walking him down to the Mystic River or part there
where I explain the big ship over there or the casino
being built or the kids playing soccer on the grass
or why he hears all the laughter of the little in the
playground area or the dog barking fetching the
ball or waiting for his master to through the stick
and family, friends and me at my age of 71 will be
able to continue taking Robbie out and about with
specifically for his posture, comfort,
safety and to be able to take him where he
wants or needs to go to his hearts desire and ours.
BLESSINGS to ALL for making Robbie's
WISH and mine COME TRUE!!!!!
Thank you from the bottom of our š
Sandra and Robbie!!!!!
This GRATEFUL mom has worked so diligently
and stead fast searching since age 10 to make
sure Robbie has QUALITY with QUANTITY
EARTH then a mother protecting her young and
ALL those I've met including my 2 daughters, my
siblings, friends, family and strangers along my
life's path to date and ongoing I will offer my
WISDOM of HEALING until GOD chooses to
take me HOME!!!!!
I hope you enjoy my 5th recording of
Tong Ren HEALING MP3 File by yours truly
for fingertip HEALING on your cell or email to
burn a CD to play any time {except while
driving cause it may relax you too much}.
so we each collectively create
As a mom with integrity reaching out to ALL
organizations, parents, philanthropist/s, the
company that would design a CUSTOM POWER
CHAIR for Robbie's posture with his degeneration
diagnosis of Friedreich's Ataxia has over the years
and ASAP PLEASE so he will be able to get his
and my WISH for a NEW CHAIR so he, me, his
family, friends and staff will enjoy it before
GOD brings him HOME!
If ONLY Tong Ren existed way back 35 years ago
when Robbie was diagnosed, I BELIEVE in myš
he would have been cured of this horrific disease.
The WORLD must LEARN how Tong Ren is
the BRIDGE connecting Eastern and Western
Medicine with ENERGY to create WELLNESS!
Let what Robbie has lived and what I have
learned make a DIFFERENCE in opening
up ALL our minds to the the future
POSSIBILITIES Tom Tam has brought to
one of his students serving mankind being part
of his ONGOING STUDY which has 170 doctors
in Italy doing Tong Ren in 3 hospitals there and
has the facilities to do ALL the Research and
the results to prove Tong Ren works and those
who get their medical degree there MUST be
certified in Tom Tam's Tong Ren/the BRIDGE/
the CONNECTION to makes the difference in
alleviating sickness and CREATING
WELLNESS so we can create PEACE within
to CREATE PEACE on EARTH in my lifetime.
*****WATER should be TOP of your list besides
omitting chemicals throughout your days
{please read the small booklet below with the
baby sitting up on the cover of
Get rid of products daily used by the majority
to AVOID in your daily life and pets too!
We must clean up our Body, Mind and Spirit
BIO-ELECTRICITY in our medical schools in
USA that we have been doing with our Master
Teacher, Tom Tam for over 4 years and counting
with major successes in health issues/diagnosis
that could not be helped in the past
to cure and we are doing it!!!!!
I pray this administration and others to follow
will concentrate on continuously CLEANING
UP MOTHER EARTH for she cries out for
this AWAKENING as this devastation happens
worldwide. It MUST PROTECT OUR
As Gandhi said:
"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World"
Imagine HEALING as you sleep for the
subconscious hears it ALL!
Proven with college students who put on a headset
with class info for next day, go to sleep and retain
the info for next day's class.
My MP3 File promotes HEALING as you sleep
EVERY night for 6 weeks minimally will create
change in ALL areas of health of Body, Mind and
Spirit. Try it for yourself as you pop off to sleep.
POWER CHAIR ASAP for Robbie's, mine,
family, friends and those who have been fortunate
to meet Robbie or be part of his life as he greets
everyone with his AMAZING SMILE in our
POWER CHAIR for ALL of us whošhim to
ENJOY for whatever time he has left to grace us!

This picture is what Robbie looked like in of 2015/16 after I got
him in a program with an AMAZING GROUP of
young people headed by Ross at the YMCA in
Brighton, MA doing what Robbie šMOST of
ALL, working out.
His younger sister got him in the Center for Living
in Chelsea, MA because of neglect by his last
PCA {Personal Care Attendant} he had when
he had his own apartment with care givers since
his college days at Wentworth Institute of
Technology where he graduated achieving his
Associates Degree in Architectural Engineering
with his dream of designing for those with
for he preferred CHALLENGED} because he NEVER was
STOPPED from doing what he wanted MOST even at Wentworth.
There was no elevator except for deliveries and the gym was on the
2nd floor. That didn't stop him. He got the guys to carry him up
the stairs, his Quicki fold-up wheelchair too and when he was done
his workout, they carried him back down. Wentworth was suppose
to be handicap accessible but not really, however he made the
impossible happen doing anything he set his mind to. He NEVER
alter his commitment to himself as I was told the day of his diagnosis
to keep him in motion and I totally got that message thru to him with
chiropractic, soccer, Tae Kwan Do and he started working out at 14
after our divorce in '87 and at age 14 he moved in with his dad and
said "Marm, dad said I could work with him on his jobs and do guy
things so don't be upset." He loved hanging with the guys and going
up to Ossipee, NH at their camp he called it but a beautiful home my
brother, his partner in business built together in '79 with all the
amenities and toys for everyone to relax and have fun.
The boys and their toys of every kind for everyone to enjoy
indoors and out whatever season it happens to be.
Robbie's dreams where destroyed when someone convinced him
to have a horrific surgery because of his foot drop which distorted
his feet. I gave Robbie the pros and the cons in my opinion and told
him he should wait until after graduation that coming May but he
was talked into getting it done over Xmas break which set him back
2 1/2 years. It was a horrific procedure that went bad. He suffered
so for it and told 21/2 years later that he should NEVER have done it.
Too little too late and it squished his dreams of Architecture
but he did come back to his confident self and that
Pictures at the top of my BLOG are how he must be while in his
chair when not in his bed due to Robbie's degeneration and the
picture is 3 years old before being being moved from 6th floor room
605 down to the Alzheimer's House with 9 residents diagnosed with
Dementia and Alzheimer's in this horrific place for normal people
like Robbie whose family are not equipped or have the money or
equipped to to care for their loved ones 24/7 which they all need.
at the YMCA, Brighton an AMAZING
working out {doing his MOST FAVORITE THING since age 14
and couple of years
back in a program I found out about I took him to whether by
the Ride or borrowing one of the Vans LF {if available} and only
have to replace gas used)to let residence family or friends borrow
and only have replace gas used.šPretty much it doesn't matter
the issue of health or diagnosis, Ross creates a program for
each individual with an AMAZING group of young people
called Access Sport America with Ross at the helm training and
working out with his trained loving, kind, encouragin team.
Ross and his team also workout other places like Spaulding
Rehab in Charlestown, MA inside and especially every one's
favorite place to workout May-October because it is outdoors
weather permitting on the Mystic River with assistance tandem
or with one or two team members by their side as they
ride their bike, canoe, kyack, windsurfing, each of them enjoys
it ALL, especially feeling good about themselves taking control
creating CHANGE twice a week and LOVING IT!!!. This
program helped so much when he had alone time to reflect his JOY!
Robbie thrived and felt so GOOD taking control to be his BEST
as he ALWAYS has done throughout to extend his
QUALITY and QUANTITY of LIFE from the time he took
control of his own existence cause I kept him mobile/active and
reinforced the one thing I concentrated on MOST that SAD DAY
he was diagnosed "to keep Robbie is MOTION and that I did"!
MANIFEST this MIRACLE for him and to those of us who
šand care for him a POWER CHAIR that THEE POWERS
EVERYONE that DONATES $25 receives my recently made
COPY/PASTE link above and send to your email
You can also have it on your cell for
fingertip healing any time.
I am also making CD's for those who don't have cell
phones capable of this file or internet for their CD players
or perhaps download to you MP3 player/whatever!.
BLESSINGS to you and yours,
from Robbie, Sandra, family, friends who
take him places like the beaches, concerts,
Red Socks games, appointments, etc.
Robbie has been his entire life and still THE ONLY CONSTANT
šand SUPPORT I have ever had in my life from birth.
He's ALWAYS been tuned in to me and I in him.
Robbie emulates ALL that is GOOD and
UNCONDITIONAL in this WORLD to everyone he meets.
Of course he would. He is a Leo, the Lion, the strength and
character to come into this world of chaos to honor his contract
picking me as his mother, a Capricorn, the Goat who goes through
obstacles, over, under, around until she reaches the TOP/the GOAL
that I MANIFEST for our AMAZIMG son, brother, friend or just a
passer-by to share a few words and experience his SMILE.
I've done ALL with GREATš, PRIDE together as Robbie
and I travelled this LIFETIME choosing our parents, siblings,
friends; even those who bounce in and out of our LIVES cause we
didn't get or they didn't get the message.
3 GREAT QUOTS/ADVICE I live by re: Karma
from one of my wonderful mentor/s\teachers, Barbara says:
"Karma's neither good nor bad. How you go through it DOES"
"How people treat you is their Karma.
How you react is yours."
Wayne Dyer
who contributed MUCH to this world and especially in mine.
Another of my mentor's/teacher, Fatima says:
" It is OFTEN of what NOT to DO or SAY"
I realize that I AM a work in PROGRESS this lifetime
and in my mind since Robbie's diagnosis has had to
speed up this race with GOD (my thoughts and words) to bring
QUALITY and QUANTITY to Robbie's life without taking away
from my family and with resemblance of order in all of it for myself
my family for whatever time Robbie had left and I know in my
ownšmy SOUL, I have always had pure
intention in ALL I do and say. I apologize for my over the top
enthusiasm if I've overwhelmed anyone because my intentions
were ALWAYS PURE of šseeking solutions for what came
along and using ALL the GIFTS of
HEALING that the DIVINE has bestowed upon me everywhere
I AM SO BLESSED and my family for this precious son, brother,
cousin, friend Robbie who still among us and he's been my
GREATEST Teacher this lifetime and everyone by his example.
Robbie has GIVEN so much of himself to each of us and especially
thešhe has shared with us ALL and still!
I AM Sandra
3 times this week I was told by 3 different intuitive's I respect,
said the same thing. I need to lower my vibration because
it is too powerful for them and others to be near or around.
I must ground myself each and EVERY DAY!
Making a DIFFERENCE for those who choose to LISTEN,
matters to me, especially my 3 children, my siblings,
extended family, friends and the world for that matter with
those like me sharing WISDOM to those who haven't got the
message so far this lifetime and maybe never will.
We can only HOPE and PRAY!!!
Letting go of someone you šfor whatever reason is the MOST
DIFFICULT thing to do especially when you know what
you do works. HOWEVER, Robbie and I have had to let go and
let GOD and keep hoping and praying they WILL GET IT!!!!!!
*****Dr. Lissa Rankin on PBS
I think my ANGELS woke me up this magical night
wide awake so I started to surf the channels
and to my dismay, all my favorites were repeats.
I flipped one more and there she was, Dr. Lissa Rankin!!!
*****I recommend watching her on PBS as she shares her
WISDOM and COURAGE and give up her medical practice to find
answers why people have given their POWER OVER to medical
world and she teaches in her school in CA how to's talk to people
create change in the medical system sickness to WELLNESS and
to move forward totally out of your comfort zone as she did.
That alone is stepping out of ones comfort zone
but necessary for progress and HEALTH and Wellness!!!!!
Giving up that which did not serve her so she and her baby
could move forward empowered by her following her inner
guiding system that we all have if we LEARN to TUNE IN
and listen to it within each of us.
This was my TAKE on her SPECIAL that I watched and I suggest
you see this SPECIAL on PBS for yourself and think
and digest it for your own well being and realize you too
can take back your POWER for yourself teach your family
and be that example unto others.
I personally live by the
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can
Wisdom to know the difference!!!!!
My youngest of 3 and a Leo the Lion Robbie
has lived his ENTIRE LIFE with
I have ever witnessed personally.
Family, friends and even strangers each day
in his life who have shared in some way
in his day will tell you the same.
Robbie is an EXAMPLE to MODEL in life!!!!
Author of Mind Over Medicine
Integrative Medicine Practice
Founder of Whole Health Medicine Institute
This SPECIAL on that magical night lit a WARM
FEELING of JOY WITHIN me thinking and
out loud I said: "she says the same things that I
say to those I meet in conversation" that validated
me and confirmed I was on the right path and
empowered me with more clarity to move forward
with my inner guidance with the knowing that I
have been making a difference in Robbie's world,
his health and soul and to others and myself with
the hope my family and those in my presence who
complain of this or that and when I offer my
sacred mission of healing, my GIFTS I have been
attuned to or learned and been guided to and still
this lifetime thanks to
Robbie, they get mad or angry. I ALWAYS offer
and will continue to do so as long as I live in the
hope they will wake up this lifetime and open their
minds to the possibilities and experience the
wonders I have brought to light because of my
search for QUALITY with QUANTITY of Life
for Robbie for whatever time GOD keeps him here
to be that example of the AMAZING child and
adult he has worked so diligently and remarkable he
has always been to
himself and others who have enjoyed his presence.
We HOPE and PRAY for this!
Dr. Rankin has her own Institute of learning in CA
to educate doctors and those perhaps like you and
me in the field of assisting themselves, loved ones,
others becoming attuned to HEALING
MODALITIES like Reiki, Yuen Method of Healing, learning
Tong Ren, Tui Na and other forms of NATURAL
HEALING because the body has the innate
ability to HEAL ITSELF and to lead others towards
their GOALS of Health and Wellness. We must
the face of our Medical World as we know it as
treating sickness and disease to PROMOTE
WELLNESS with education.
Dr Galloway wrote in his book of
Anyone Can Do It
Eastern and Western Medicine
Tong Ren Healing by our Master Teacher,
Tom Tam
being the
between the two!!!!!
I suggest you watch her special and also on to view another incredible
interview of Dr Lissa
Rankin's as she appears in an interview on
our ENVIRONMENTS of Body, Mind and Spirit and the most
I highly recommend watching this courageous woman,
Dr Lissa Rankin who paved the way for ALL to follow her example
and throw "FEAR TO THE WIND" for it is:
She not only validated who I had evolved to at that time
in my search for Robbie's QUALITY and QUANTITY of
Life purging and adding and realized how on track I was
at this stage of our journey a couple of years back. She
empowered me even more then I already was and gave me
more and more ideas to further our journey helping myself, Robbie
and others who choose to listen along the way or not each day
each and every of my life and still.
Lissa was preaching to the choir that night and I couldn't believe
how I resonated with her and her wisdom, what she was saying,
how she empowered more as she spoke.
I was glued to her EVERY WORD of WISDOM
that we two have COME to know, grow and share
because of Robbie's diagnosis and set forth this
mother on my unstoppable preset path set before
us. Before we even arrived here on this Earth, me
to seek, learn, to open up my mind and discern
learn and teach others and wake up Robbie to
open up his mind to LISTEN and make better
choices of what he puts into his Body,
Mind and his AMAZING SPIRIT of the DIVINE
and assist those in their journey towards
Health and Wellness
like Kim, Robbie's girlfriend with the same
diagnosis as him including diabetes but she was
overweight which she lost and looked GREAT
and felt so too. Seeing the changes in Robbie she
asked me to help her and I was so happy to do so.
I was also able to get her on the Manna Relief
Program that Robbie got on when his dad stopped
paying for his Mannatech Products.
She šed how she looked and like Robbie, thrived.
I will admit her mom was not happy cause she
didn't understand that Kim's diet was not conducive
to health. Kim and Robbie were a happy couple
and lived in the same building so they spent a lot
of time together in fact I introduced them that first
day she moved in at the front door as
I asked her if she needed help getting in the
building and the rest is history for their šstory.
If your fortunate like me, your inner guidance,
some call intuition, you grow with those helping
hands along the way. My course can NEVER be
detoured for this son of mine,
has been and will continue to be my GUIDEPOST/
my GUIDING LIGHT who surges me through
my family I was born into and the nursing home he
lives in and whoever wherever they cross my
path until GOD brings him home.
PLEASE open up your heart and pocket to help me
raise the necessary funds for this POWER CHAIR
that whatever time Robbie has left this lifetime, we
who care andšRobbie will be able to easily with
a CUSTOM POWER CHAIR, take him wherever
whenever his his or ouršchoose or need to go.
Attracting like minded people, taking classes,
teachers, mentors, books, CD's of learning
that I couldn't get enough of kept me with sane
will all the family and establishment and ALL the
criticism, sarcasm, anger put upon me, since our
journey began and still, however though SAD for
their ignorance it NEVER stopped me from
helping Robbie and surging forward.
*****I can't count tell how many caring people
who know who I am and what I do have told
me that I MUST take care of me or I will be
stopped dead in my tracks and being FORCED
to be in that HORRIFIC Alzheimer's House being
a HEALER like myself so attuned to people
as well as his mom is overwhelming and depressing
to say the least. I have told LF over and over these
years we've been forced to be in that house that it's
inhumane to have put Robbie who does NOT have
Alzheimer's and me his major caregiver throughout
week and spends thee most time with him 30 hrs or
more each week and also when family or friends
couldn't go to visit, I also would go on the weekend.
After I researched ALL Robbie's meds when he
went in LF taking 2 and at that point 22-24 and
serious consequences with his health and loosing
weight I researched ALL his meds and my findings
were clear that the blood in his stool, projectile
vomiting, constipation, low iron, anemia, his
skin, dandrif in his eyebrows and hair, etc. were
interaction of the meds prescribed by his doctor.
I was asked to takes Robbie to followup a year later
with his gastro--intestinal doctor in Boston.
I told him my findings re: his meds and he agreed
with me that he was taking too many meds and to
get together with the team that prescribed these
meds and delete what could/should be deleted.
He also said to put Robbie through any more tests
at this stage was not necessary.
I told the acting director, Betsy Mullen
what the doctor said and she called him
for verification and he denied it.
He even said: Bless you Sandra as we left.
I DON'T LIE for myself, Robbie or anyone.
That doctor is a suppose to DO NO HARM!
SAD but true to say: doctors back other doctors
up EVEN when their WRONG making profit off
scripts and the nursing home does also to be sure.
Our medical system is focused on
SICKNESS rather then on WELLNESS!!!!!
I had to STOP BEING Robbie's health proxy
because I cannot willing, knowingly poison my son.
My family believes that LF is great since they no
longer have to care for him nor worry about
him being harmed or hurting himself. {That's
a joke.} Well I care and in my opinion, he is and
has been HARMED and I have the proof
Bob, Robbie's dad who died this past June said: I
was ungrateful. I disagree. I only wish I had the
funds to have total 24 hour care for Robbie
within my own living space place and my own
healing center but unfortunately I don't.
When the so nursing home won't protect my
son and stood and said aloud, we have to follow
thru with what the doctor/s prescribe. What a racket
they run for profit????? NO CONSCIENCE!!!!!!!
I have learned so much this lifetime because of
Robbie following my path of enlightenment
especially since 1999 when I 1st got my Blog and
discovered Mannatech products that got rid of
Rob's hammer toes of 17 years on top of his feet.
Unfortunately, my family knows nothing about
health and I do and because of my wisdom I got
along the way have had to deal with major criticism
from family, friends and those who care for my son.
Who knew my SOUL'S journey which without
knowing that January of 1999 when Priscilla that
magical night at Country Dancing share what she
was doing and believed it would help Robbie and
myself and told me about Mannatech products
which charted my course and surely I have with
great pride helped Robbie and shared all I've
learned with any one along the way who had
interest in changing their health in some way..........
People don't feel well within and need education
to create change in their overall well being in order
to create peace within and not to give our power
to the medical world as I have learned and Dr Lissa
Rankin promotes. She has learned and me also to
listen to my own body's wisdom which blocks each
of our innate ability to help and heal ourselves for
GOD gave each of us souls that gift of choice.
By creating PEACE WITHIN we WILL
Anne Marie who was one of the 10 residents with
Robbie when we were on the sixth floor asked me
one day "has Robbie ALWAYS been to polite and
kind?" YES, I proudly exclaimed and the ONLY
time as a rule you will hear him upset is at himself
when he can't do today what he did yesterday as
this horrific diagnosis of Friedreich's Ataxia made
it in this declining degeneration as it has
taken over in his health's decline.
Robbie has not only been my greatest teacher this
lifetime, he has been my GREATEST GIFT and
my family's and those who meet and are greeted by
his AMAZIMNG SMILE!!! I must have done
something right to bring such an AMAZING young
man into this world for he is and has been to
ALL such a ā¤ING, GIVING SOUL to be an
EXAMPLE to everyone who hasthe PLEASURE
of his company.
He EMPOWERED me even as a small child andšed ALL I've
learned in the healing modalities especially Mannatech Products
Pricilla in my Country Dance world told me about that straightened
his hammer toes/both feet he had for 17 years in '99 thanks to
Joey's untiring superb care as PCA who sat in
between caring for Robbie who had to fill each capsule of what Rob
PCA Robbie ever had. That is when he first opened up his mind and
when his family should have done to realize was on the right path to
making a difference in his health and well being and a HOPE came
thru CLEARLY to me, Robbie and Kim, his girlfriend who also had
the same diagnosis and asked me if I would help her too. I was so
HAPPY to do so and she too improved and lost weight, felt
better etc.
Robbiešed every healing modality I've been attuned to or learned
mostly in 2005 and kept adding as one tugged at myšand I
shared ALL with others and still this lifetime from my
first atunement
of Reiki in 2005, Yuen Method of
Healing, Akashic Records, Sacred Geometry
will until GOD in his INFINITE šofštakes him HOME!!!!!
He was ONLY 10 when diagnosed with Friedrich's Ataxia that was
THEE MOST TRAGIC DAY in my life as all the tests were
completed 7/10/84 just before his 11th Birthday 8/14th.
When I heard this MD'S results as he sat at his desk with NO
EMOTION, INFLUX in his voice or COMPASSION as I sat alone
listening, felt aš”in myšand I couldn't breathe.
This MD actually had the nerve to tell me to go home and act like I
NEVER told you. I was in shock at his COLDNESS in is voice and
overall self. What kind of doctor/monster was this man?????????
This MP3 File is of Tong Ren Healing which I am in my 14th year
with our Master Teacher, Tom Tam, by clicking on link can send
to your cell/email this GIFT of my 5th recording done on 5/31/18
in the 5th Dimension created by our Master Teacher of Tong Ren
which is Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES is a great HEALING
tool to play any time except while driving which may make you too
relaxed. Playing each night as you go to sleep for 6 weeks without
pause will create CHANGE. STUDIES have been done to prove this.
TRUE THANKS goes to Robbie for surging me forward on this
QUEST/JOURNEY in search to help somehow make a difference
in some way to slow down this horrific Friedreich's Ataxia
or finding a CURE for is death sentence I was just given of my
youngest of 3 children wondering how do I tell my husband and
2 daughters, Robin and Danielle the facts I was just given for Robbie
our beloved son and brother.
Robbie has been through these 35 years and counting
Click on DONATE!
Robbie's and me and
for a
ESPECIALLY for Robbie's
him a POWER CHAIR because he is BLIND!
I and others will NEVER be able to take
my son anywhere AGAIN except through the
Leonard Florence {LF} Center for Living
{the nursing home section}where he's been
living 1st in rehab and then became a
resident because of his SPECIAL NEEDS.
I won't be able to push his new push chair
being made for him except within the
confines in LF or out to the patio or driveway
ONLY because of the hilly section of where he
lives on Admirals Way and I'm NOT able
to push a non power chair since the accident
last year 4/4/17 when a huge 4 by 4 came at
me out of control claiming her 4 wheel drive
was stuck on Main St so she rode around the
corner to Water St, Wakefield, MA and thru a
parking lot and out at me though I tried to get
out of the way when this shadow came at me,
I was hit on driver side before wheel which
knocked out my headlight and was pouring rain.
Whiplash didn't show up right away and I have
had much therapy since.
I became Rob's health proxy to give him a
FREE that I PAID for ALL of it and family in
their "ignorance that is not bliss" NEVER
noticed ALL Robbie's improvements.
They say: "there are NONE SO BLIND as those
ALL Rob's dandruff in his hair, eyebrows and
his skin ALL CLEARED when I was Robbie's
health proxy and I was with him 30 plus
hours a week GIVING caring for his EVERY
WISH and need that staff is not able or have
the time to give Robbie including massage/
Tui Na, Tong Ren, MMS which I am D.MMS
and Robbie using ALL CHEMICAL FREE
products especially deleting fluoride which
destroys the kidneys and affects our Pineal gland,
our connection with the DIVINE. LF or Danielle
didn't have to buy or supply anything of personal
hygiene daily care products for Robbie for
Staff, family and friends in his room anyone
just had to use. His own coffee maker, including
organic coffee, teas, raw sugar, organic virgin
coconut oil, soap to bathe, shampoo, for shaving
etc. to create a CHEMICAL FREE
of GOD to those who have ALL had the
PLEASURE to meet Robbie, who greets
with a SMILE
to WALK and ROLL
among us for whatever this lifetime and RAISE
the FUNDS for this BEAUTIFUL SOUL to be
taken anywhere his šDESIRES for whatever
time he has left this lifetime.
he has left in this life.
whatever time has left in this life.
I gave Robbie during my time spent MMS which
I am a D.MMS {ALL on this BLOG!!!!!
Robbie did well and even gained 5 #'s as soon as
we did prune juice each morning instead of med
they were giving him
That OVERWHELMING DAY I literally had to
walk away for that Alzheimer's house NEVER
to return that was an inhumane cruel abusive
thing to do to the 2 of us. Especially me he
HEALER whose Body, Mind and Spirit were
broken and not sure at this stage of my lack of
health can be turned around????
being with Robbie was when he saw SPIRIT.
Yes, last year when his dad was visiting Robbie
from Florida where he lived, he took Rob to
is sister's house and got back around 6 pm.
Bob got Rob out of the van and Rob said "dad,
are the parking lot lights on? No Rob he replied"
it's early and LIGHT til late.
Bob sarcastically said: must be Jesus!
Bob brought Rob to his room and got him
settled in and left. Robbie furthered said my
after the weekend on Monday" Marm,
after dad left, I saw more LIGHT to my
right, at my feet{as you can see by his pictures
above how his posture makes him sit like
a V and why he see the
even being blind.
He was so excited
and he also was hearing SPIRITS like me,
conversing with his Grampy
who told Robbie hešhis tatoo of the USS MA
which Rob NEVER had when his Grampy was
I AM a Spiritualist and have been
preparing him WITHOUT FEAR for their is
NO DEATH for you can't destroy ENERGY and
we are energy
transitioned, his girlfriend Kim who transitioned
from Friedreich's Ataxia almost 12 years ago,
and his friend Phillip who was killed by a car.
Sad to say but that horrible day when I could NO
LONGER put up with that Alzheimer's house
because I failed getting Robbie off meds that
were poisoning him and causing him to vomit,
constipate him due to interaction of 22-24 meds
they were giving him. My daughter and family
could care less and she has NO PROBLEM
with LF/doctors poisoning her brother.
I on the other hand walked out crying knowing
I could NEVER be Robbie's caregiver again
forced into that Alzheimer's house for it
CRUSHED my Body, Mind and Spirit and made
me seriously ill and I was told many times I will
crash if I didn't take care of me
and I was at my lowest.
Strange as I cried all the way home and
attempted to back into my parking space and
heard this noise so I moved forward about 1'1/2
and noise again so I moved back to find out
transition gone and no money to replace so the
The Red Sox Foundation was MOST
HAPPY to tow it away!!!
GOD STOPPED me dead in my tracks and
the next day I was sick for 6 weeks and to date
I have lost 25#'s and aged 30 years being
without Robbie having NO CAR and ended up
in the ER with a paralyzed right hand, severe
pain totally unable to use my right hand,
hospitalized for 3 days where they took good
medicare of me which I refused most of it for I
don't do drugs or meds BUT that red line was
8 inches up my right arm, no car and on welfare
in housing thank GOD, able to get rides to
medical appointments, I already had a
transportation to pick up test results for a
Cat Scan and went to ER where they
immediately knew my suspicion of cellulites
attempted to
. Thank GOD
I do Tong Ren and the BEMER Mat and for
is the
message those who cared about me was so true.
I commuted from home to Chelsea which took
6 hours and 15 minutes round trip in a freezimg
winter we had.
which ALL
when Danielle took over being Rob's
health proxy. She knew NOTHING
that I've been studying and incorporating
and helping others since 1999!
She took over being Rob's health proxy that
SAD DAY I had to walk away from
Leonard Florence cause I could NOT
KNOWINGLY POISON my son with the
toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, deodorants,
skin lotions, sun screens, etc.
that was being done and added back into Rob
and I had to walk away in tears cause my
HEALTH of Body, Mind and Spirit were
FAILING and I crashed and got seriously
ill and the transmission in my car went ALL
within that tragic 24 hour DAY.
I had to WALK AWAY or DIE from
the horror of it ALL BEING A HEALER!
It was time to go for Danielle controlled it
ALL and if Rob didn't do what she wanted, she
wouldn't help him any more.
Rob and I failed to educate OUR DEAF, DUMB
and BLIND family and extended family
and NO CAR NOW for 26 weeks
and counting when I
am soon able to get another car!
As Kenny Rogers song says:
Know when to HOLD 'EM
Know when to FOLD 'EM
Know when to WALK AWAY
Know when to RUN which I had to do to
I BELIEVE I am still here because of the Tong
Ren HEALING I do EVERY DAY for people
and the added BEMER Mat which improved
Rob's hearing and speech and why I bought the
BEMER Mat in the 1st place instead of a car.
Rob's life is TIME SENSITIVE; a car can wait!
PLEASE READ this booklet by
Clicking on the link link below. You can't
even buy it anymore and I use to give it away
Here is the link to get
HEALING from my MP3 File of my 5th
recording in the 5th month on 5/31/18 in the
5th Dimension of our Universe in my 14 year
with our MasterTeacher, Tom Tam in this
ONGOING STUDY of Tong Ren doing
Quantum Physics.
Rob moved in taking 2 meds when he 1st came
to LFCforL to 22-24 which caused Rob
GREAT harm because of their interaction
with one another which were researched and
even at the Gastro-Enterologist, MD I took
Rob to agreed with me that Rob was on too
many meds and told me to get together with
those in charge of his care to discuss
what could/should be deleted.
Betsy Mullen called the MD to verify
what I said was true WITH my
findings and that Gastro Intestinal
didn't have the balls
to tell the truth of what he told me re: too
many meds interacting causing Rob's blood
in his stool, projectile vomiting, anemia and
to back up my findings of unnecessary
meds he was given causing him harm.
All my efforts to protect Rob were in vain...
I wanted to make a difference with
the WISDOM I have acrud over these 19 years
in Rob's health of blood in his stool, projectile
vomiting and more interaction of meds
but the doctor didn't have the balls to back me
up. Just like the doctors get a cut of he meds
people are on, so does the nursing home.
My ONLY concern was Rob's safety and
well being and I DO NO HARM!!!!
It was clear to me that family was more
concerned that Rob is in Leonard
Florence be taken care of 7 days a week
so Rob's so called family doesn't have
to worry about him.
I have much concern for Rob's safety
the pictures and videos to prove neglect.Money has been long gone and my HEALTH TO
Thank God for Tong Ren HEALING and
and the BEMER Mat or I believe I'd be
log gone from the STRESS of doing my
BEST of what GOD put me on this EARTH
to DO and Rob as the example of TOTAL
As it is now, ALL can visit Robbie
when they can.
I have pictures and videos to prove otherwise.
I thought becoming Rob's health proxy would
make a difference in Rob's QUALITY of Life
and am MOST UNHAPPY it did NOT.
NOT ONLY did my health go down the drain,
the day I decided I couldn't go to the nursing
home any longer if I wanted to live, my
transmission went in my car and NO FUNDS
to fix it and I was told over and over that if I
didn't STOP and start caring for Sandra, I
would crash and GOD STOPPED me literally
almost dead in my tracks.
I could NO LONGER BE Rob's health proxy
poisoning him with my family oblivious to
chemicals Rob is exposed to in that nursing
home especially FLUORIDE toothpaste.
Ignorance is NOT BLISS in my book.
Because of my compromised immune system
being in the Alzheimer's House and extreme
weight loss it has been a slow process towards
recovery if ever.
Thank God I kept my promise to Rob and
didn't put him in a nursing home rather
taught him to BETTER EXTEND his own life.
Robbie was diagnosed at age 10 just before his
11th birthday with Friedreich's Ataxia and NO
family MONEY left to give him the care
he needs and deserves since he was 39 and on
8/14/18, Robbie was 45.
At present time due to the damage from
a car accident when I was hit
on a one way street doing 5-8 mph
on 4/4/17,
I am NOT ABLE to push a push
wheelchair without power.
Rob had NO CHOICE in the matter to
move from the 6th floor house of 10 as they
are called that we had grown use to since
my younger daughter had pull to get her
brother into the Leonard Florence's
rehab section of this 3 sections,
including Assisted living and
Alzheimer's House as they are
called of 10 residents.
I am sure my younger daughter had
NO CLUE her request for Rob to be moved to
wherever Mary, his 6th floor nurse
would be moved to the Alzheimer's House
which is so injurious to a HEALER like me.
It is hard enough for me to have my child in
a nursing facility BUT ALZHEIMER'S is SO
CRUSHING to my Body, Mind and Spirit as
a mother NEVER MIND A HEALER that I AM
and has destroyed my immune system where I
have lost 23#'s and aged 30 years.
Rob's level of living
and got Rob into rehab
recovering from his PCA caring for Rob
where he lived previously in Saugus who
negligently left Rob outside in the extreme
heat wave that Summer we had over
the 4th of July while he was in
air conditioning in Rob's apartment
eating his lunch.
Thank God Brenda saw Rob and
came to his rescue.
Rob was dehydrated, pneumonia had to be
taken to MA Gen'l the following day where he
was until he went to Rehab at
instructions that
being forced to live in an Alzheimer's
unit which
houses 9 plus Robbie who does NOT have this
horrific disease and totally depresses me and has
compromised my body, mind and spirit which
has totally compromised and declined my health.
Fundraiser we had for Robbie Schriefer my son!