Fundraiser for Robbie's Custom Power Chair


      FUNDRAISER for my son, ROBBIE!!! 
                 PLEASE help raise the FUNDS!!!!!
                by Clicking on: DONATE!
                       Copy and paste LINK BELOW!
        for my HEALING GIFT for FINGERTIP
                    HEALING on your CELL 
                   VIA your EMAIL using the 
        {GOOGLE: Carl Jung for more details}
  for ONLY a $25 DONATION of what I've learned to 
     date in my 14th year with Master Teacher, Tom Tam 
     of Tong Ren of his ONGOING STUDY of 
    Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES in the 
    5th Dimension doing QUANTUM PHYSICS.
          This my 5th RECORDING since 2010
      and some I've shared it with are loving it!
  ***My first atunement to ENERGY HEALING                     
      modalities was April of 2005 and since I've
        added many to my toolbox this lifetime!
  I sincerely hope you too will ENJOY this GIFT
 with your DONATION.  I BELIEVE you WILL
     and pets, animals benefit on speaker phone.  
CHAIR for his degeneration of his posture because he is
 he is blind and will ONLY give him a push chair;
his power chair is NO LONGER REPAIRABLE/
   NOR SAFE in my opinion for him or the staff 
    to maneuver and I am Not sure LF {Leonard
     Florence Center for Living} has  even ordered 
     Robbie his push chair because my health has
 been severely challenged of body, mind and spirit
since Robbie was moved from his original room of 
 605 when all 10 residents were moved to various
   floors/houses to make 6th floor rehab to make
more money in and out for LF and moved Robbie/ 
   me, his main caregiver, 3 days a week and often 
   more and put us in an Alzheimer's house with 9 
  residents with Alzheimer's over 2 plus years ago.
I had a car accident 4//4/17 and NO CAR for 
   35 weeks when transmission died the same day
I told Robbie I could NO LONGER be his health
 proxy since I researched ALL his 22-24 meds an
     when he went into LF he ONLY took 2 meds. 
ALL his symptoms which were severe were ALL
RELATED to interaction of meds {I researched 
ALL and brought info with us his year follow up
visit to his doctor who agreed with me that he was 
taking too many meds and we should get together 
with his team who care for him to see which meds
 can be deleted.  Unfortunately Betsy Mullen the
acting director of LF called MD to verify what
  he told me and he denied it.  Shame on him as 
  she insinuated I LIED.  WHY WOULD I???
       *****At that moment I just decided as 
Kenny Roger's song goes:
                  "know when to hold 'em,
                     know when to fold 'em, 
                     know when to walk away
                     and know when to run".  
  So I told Robbie with tears in my eyes knowing
ALL MY FACTS and research and efforts for his
safety and well being that I could no longer watch
them poisoning you with ALL these useless meds
and be in this horrific house of Alzheimer's where
normal people like you and me and visitors for you
don't belong as I told them over and over to move 
us to another house and they{Betsy and in training,
 Bill} who'll take over totally at some point stood 
    before me having the nerve to say "they have
to comply with the doctors orders for meds". How
much does the doctor get for pedaling the meds?
How much does LF get for giving them to the 
residence even though they do harm?  Do they even
care????  Then the 2 of them said: "they come 
  5 days a week to this house when everyone is at 
the dinner table and have NO PROBLEM visiting 
    their full 5 minutes to say Hi!   REALLY!!!!! 
 Try 7 to 12 hours a day and tell me how you feel 
   with a loved one confined in that negative 
      energy over 2 years is debilitating to your
                     body, mind and spirit. 
       Robbie was 39 when he went into LF and 
   HATES it there.  He is now 45 last 8/14th given
35 years later after having been giving 6 months, a 
      year, 5 or 10 years to live. Most difficult for
  Robbie, so young and LF being so unkind as to 
 have put Robbie in such a toxic environment and
   me as a HEALER every day with those having 
this horrific diagnosis and deal with the antics, the 
yelling, swearing, some trying to hurt the Shahbaz
 {another name in Jewish/Hebrew for PCA or CNA 
 and I was told 4 years ago I was going to die from
   breast cancer and my entire well being has been
          severely challenged and compromised.
 I had to finally walk away, it was killing me the 
heartbreak alone. I want to life long enough
 to see him thru his transition when GOD takes him
                      HOME to HEAVEN!t
    That final day my HEART was brokenšŸ’”so I
hugged Robbie and walked away cause I had been
 told by mentors and psychics who just
 meet me, and say I know your a HEALER but if
you don't start taking care of yourself, you will
 crash.  I waited too long with that wisdom and that 
same day at LF and walked out in tears, drove home 
and backed into my parking space my transmission 
went also.  GOD stopped me NOT quite dead
  in my tracks.  That next day I was so sick for 
weeks and I have been working to get back to my
               old self which has been more 
        challenging then you could ever imagine.
In ER with a diagnosis of Cellulites in my right hand
 and hospitalized for 3 days. Then got it in my left
  hand so I went to the herbalist who didn't pump
      antibiotics and drugs into me but EARTH'S
 Herbal potions which worked and then I got it in 
my left foot and told to keep it elevated which was 
and is impossible with NO car 33 weeks now and
NO credit to buy a car filing in 2012 bankruptcy
 and loosing my home of 38 years where I raised
 my 3 children but at least it went to short sale 
and fortunately got into housing and moved in 
   9/11/11.  Didn't make any money on the sale
but MOST GRATEFUL at least it didn't go to
     foreclosure.  So NOW hoping to get a car 
DONATED and as of 10/3/18 I will be able to 
 afford to insure and put a car back on the road so
 my foot will be able to heal.  I can only walk, bus
 and take the T everywhere and why My foot has 
not totally healed because of my compromised 
  immune system due to being forced to be in that
 Alzheimer's House at LF that NO normal resident
      like my son, Robbie nor caregiver like me
 should be exposed to on a regular basis.  Life is
tuff enough for him, me and my family seeing my
  child and family sharing and living this journey.
            So PLEASE help us make this last
 WISH of Robbie's and mine happen to raise the
money necessary to create this MIRACLE of his
This is what looked like when I got him into a
program at YMCA, Brighton 4 years ago with an
AMAZING group of young people headed by Ross
called Access Sport America.  Rob also joined the
program May-October on Boston Harbor located 
at Spaulding where someone with him tandem or 
in a canoe, kayaking, they make Robbie do the
work with an assist.  Or bike riding as he pedals as
he is strapped on and he's loving every minute in
motion.  Ross and his young caring adults make it
    work for each individuals specific challenge. 
Robbie felt SOOOOOO ALIVE doing what he
  him using stagnant muscles and connecting the 
bio-electricity so he could control and strengthen
specific areas which was a MIRACLE to see him
 achieve right before my very eyes.  They got him
walking with an assist and he hadn't been able to
 stand without collapsing for over 15 years. They
developed his quads and strengthened his muscles
and his brain began to connect that electrical signal.
I have video clips of total JOY in my šŸ’–to see how
hard he worked to make it happen was so worth my
time and driving in that horrific traffic and weather
                        we took the RIDE.
     With Access Sport America as I waited and 
watched not just Robbie but the successes of others
       their in the same program who left feeling 
empowered and happy the came and did their best
and it showed on the faces and their improvements

PLEASE bring this SMILE
BACK to Robbie's face.  Notice LIGHT of GOD
on Robbie's forehead on his 3rd eye. He is my 
     ANGEL and why I have learned what I have 
because he's been the "Wind Beneath my Wings"
  will enable us to leave the property of LF whether
walking him down to the Mystic River or part there
where I explain the big ship over there or the casino
being built or the kids playing soccer on the grass 
or why he hears all the laughter of the little in the
  playground area or the dog barking fetching the
 ball or waiting for his master to through the stick
 and family, friends and me at my age of 71 will be
able to continue taking Robbie out and about with
         specifically for his posture, comfort,              
    safety and to be able to take him where he
 wants or needs to go to his hearts desire and ours. 
      BLESSINGS to ALL for making Robbie's 
            WISH and mine COME TRUE!!!!! 
         Thank you from the bottom of our šŸ’•
                      Sandra and Robbie!!!!!
This GRATEFUL mom has worked so diligently 
    and stead fast searching since age 10 to make
  sure Robbie has QUALITY with QUANTITY 
    of LIFE from NO GREATER POWER on 
 EARTH then a mother protecting her young and
 ALL those I've met including my 2 daughters, my
  siblings, friends, family and strangers along my 
life's path to date and ongoing I will offer my
   WISDOM of HEALING until GOD chooses to 
                        take me HOME!!!!! 
         I hope you enjoy my 5th recording of
  Tong Ren HEALING MP3 File by yours truly 
    for fingertip HEALING on your cell or email to
       burn a CD to play any time {except while
       driving cause it may relax you too much}.
                so we each collectively create           
                     "PEACE ON EARTH
  As a mom with integrity reaching out to ALL 
      organizations, parents, philanthropist/s, the
company that would design a CUSTOM POWER
CHAIR for Robbie's posture with his degeneration
diagnosis of  Friedreich's Ataxia has  over the years
  and ASAP PLEASE so he will be able to get his
and my WISH for a NEW CHAIR so he, me, his
      family, friends and staff will enjoy it before
                 GOD brings him HOME!
If ONLY Tong Ren existed way back 35 years ago
when Robbie was diagnosed, I BELIEVE in myšŸ’˜
 he would have been cured of this horrific disease.
  The WORLD must LEARN how Tong Ren is 
the BRIDGE connecting Eastern and Western
Medicine with ENERGY to create WELLNESS!
    Let what Robbie has lived and what I have
    learned make a DIFFERENCE in opening 
          up ALL our minds to the the future
    POSSIBILITIES Tom Tam has brought to 
one of his students serving mankind being part 
of his ONGOING STUDY which has 170 doctors
in Italy doing Tong Ren in 3 hospitals there and
has the facilities to do ALL the Research and
the results to prove Tong Ren works and those
who get their medical degree there MUST be
 certified in Tom Tam's Tong Ren/the BRIDGE/
the CONNECTION to makes the difference in
alleviating sickness and CREATING 
WELLNESS so we can create PEACE within
to CREATE PEACE on EARTH in my lifetime.
*****WATER should be TOP of your list besides 
     omitting chemicals throughout your days 
{please read the small booklet below with the
 baby sitting up on the cover of
  Get rid of products daily used by the majority 
       to AVOID in your daily life and pets too! 
   We must clean up our Body, Mind and Spirit
BIO-ELECTRICITY in our medical schools in
USA that we have been doing with our Master 
Teacher, Tom Tam for over 4 years and counting
 with major successes in health issues/diagnosis
           that could not be helped in the past 
              to cure and we are doing it!!!!!
 I pray this administration and others to follow 
will concentrate on continuously CLEANING 
   UP MOTHER EARTH for she cries out for
 this AWAKENING as this devastation happens
       worldwide.  It MUST PROTECT OUR
                          As Gandhi said: 
"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World"
         Imagine HEALING as you sleep for the 
                     subconscious hears it ALL!
Proven with college students who put on a headset 
 with class info for next day, go to sleep and retain 
               the info for next day's class.
  My MP3 File promotes HEALING as you sleep
EVERY night for 6 weeks minimally will create
change in ALL areas of health of Body, Mind and
Spirit.  Try it for yourself as you pop off to sleep.
    Our GOAL for this CUSTOM DESIGNED 
     POWER CHAIR ASAP for Robbie's, mine,  
 family, friends and those who have been fortunate
   to meet Robbie or be part of his life as he greets 
    everyone with his AMAZING SMILE in our
POWER CHAIR for ALL of us whošŸ’—him to 
ENJOY for whatever time he has left to grace us!
     This picture is what Robbie looked like in of 2015/16 after I got 
him in a program with an AMAZING GROUP of
   young people headed by Ross at the YMCA in
  Brighton, MA doing what Robbie šŸ’–MOST of
                         ALL, working out.
His younger sister got him in the Center for Living
    in  Chelsea, MA because of neglect by his last
    PCA {Personal Care Attendant} he had when
 he had his own apartment with care givers since 
     his college days at Wentworth Institute of 
    Technology where he graduated achieving his 
 Associates Degree in Architectural Engineering
       with his dream of designing for those with 
 for he preferred CHALLENGED} because he NEVER was 
STOPPED from doing what he wanted MOST even at Wentworth.
There was no elevator except for deliveries and the gym was on the 
   2nd floor.  That didn't stop him. He got the guys to carry him up 
the stairs, his Quicki fold-up wheelchair too and when he was done 
his workout, they carried him back down.  Wentworth was suppose 
    to be handicap accessible but not really, however he made the
 impossible happen doing anything he set his mind to.  He NEVER
alter his commitment to himself as I was told the day of his diagnosis
to keep him in motion and I totally got that message thru to him with
chiropractic, soccer, Tae Kwan Do and he started working out at 14 
after our divorce in '87 and at age 14 he moved in with his dad and 
said "Marm, dad said I could work with him on his jobs and do guy 
things so don't be upset."  He loved hanging with the guys and going 
up to Ossipee, NH at their camp he called it but a beautiful home my
     brother, his partner in business built together in '79 with all the 
          amenities and toys for everyone to relax and have fun.
      The boys and their toys of every kind for everyone to enjoy
              indoors and out whatever season it happens to be.
  Robbie's dreams where destroyed when someone convinced him
to have a horrific surgery because of his foot drop which distorted
his feet.  I gave Robbie the pros and the cons in my opinion and told
him he should wait until after graduation that coming May but he
was talked into getting it done over Xmas break which set him back 
2 1/2 years.  It was a horrific procedure that went bad.  He suffered
so for it and told 21/2 years later that he should NEVER have done it.
      Too little too late and it squished his dreams of Architecture
            but he did come back to his confident self and that 
                       SMILE that LIGHTS UP the MOON!


   Pictures at the top of my BLOG are how he must be while in his 
     chair when not in his bed due to Robbie's degeneration and the
picture is 3 years old before being being moved from 6th floor room
605 down to the Alzheimer's House with 9 residents diagnosed with
 Dementia and Alzheimer's in this horrific place for normal people
  like Robbie whose family are not equipped or have the money or
   equipped to to care for their loved ones 24/7 which they all need.

at the YMCA, Brighton  an AMAZING 
working out {doing his MOST FAVORITE THING since age 14 
and couple of years
 back  in a program I found out about I took him to whether by
the Ride or borrowing one of the Vans LF {if available} and only 
have to replace gas used)to let residence family or friends borrow
 and only have replace gas used.šŸ˜‡Pretty much it doesn't matter
    the issue of health or diagnosis, Ross creates a program for
    each individual with an AMAZING group of young people
   called Access Sport America with Ross at the helm training and
       working out with his trained loving, kind, encouragin team.
      Ross and his team also workout other places like Spaulding
    Rehab in Charlestown, MA inside and especially every one's
    favorite place to workout May-October because it is outdoors 
   weather permitting on the Mystic River with assistance tandem
           or with one or two team members by their side as they
   ride their bike, canoe, kyack, windsurfing, each of them enjoys
   it ALL, especially feeling good about themselves taking control 
             creating CHANGE twice a week and LOVING IT!!!. This 
program helped so much when he had alone time to reflect his JOY!
   Robbie thrived and felt so GOOD taking control to be his BEST
             as he ALWAYS has done throughout to extend his 
QUALITY and QUANTITY of LIFE from the time he took
control of his own existence cause I kept him mobile/active and
reinforced the one thing I concentrated on MOST that SAD DAY
 he was diagnosed "to keep Robbie is MOTION and that I did"!
    MANIFEST this MIRACLE for him and to those of us who
šŸ’—and care for him a POWER CHAIR that THEE POWERS
                    CAN'T POWER HIS OWN CHAIR!!!!!
        EVERYONE that DONATES $25 receives my recently made 
 FINGERTIP HEALING for you, pets, animals and tax deduction.
         COPY/PASTE link above and send to your email
                   You can also have it on your cell for 
                            fingertip healing any time.
        I am also making CD's for those who don't have cell 
    phones capable of this file or internet for their CD players
          or perhaps download to you MP3 player/whatever!.

                           BLESSINGS to you and yours,
               from Robbie, Sandra, family, friends who
              take him places like the beaches, concerts, 
                  Red Socks games, appointments, etc.

Robbie has been his entire life and still THE ONLY CONSTANT
          šŸ’—and SUPPORT I have ever had in my life from birth.   
                He's ALWAYS been tuned in to me and I in him. 
                    Robbie emulates ALL that is GOOD and
      UNCONDITIONAL in this WORLD to everyone he meets. 
   Of course he would.   He is a Leo, the Lion,  the strength and 
character to come into this world of chaos to honor his contract 
picking me as his mother, a Capricorn, the Goat who goes through 
obstacles, over, under, around until she reaches the TOP/the GOAL
that I MANIFEST for our AMAZIMG son, brother, friend or just a
       passer-by to share a few words and experience his SMILE.
    I've done ALL with GREATšŸ’•, PRIDE together as Robbie
       and I travelled this LIFETIME choosing our parents, siblings,
friends; even those who bounce in and out of our LIVES cause we
                   didn't get or they didn't get the message. 
            GREAT QUOTS/ADVICE I live by re:  Karma 
         from one of my wonderful mentor/s\teachers, Barbara says:
"Karma's neither good nor bad. How you go through it DOES"
                     "How people treat you is their Karma.
                                 How you react is yours."
                                            Wayne Dyer
   who contributed MUCH to this world and especially in mine. 

                Another of my mentor's/teacher, Fatima says: 
               " It is OFTEN of what NOT to DO or SAY"
          I realize that I AM a work in PROGRESS this lifetime 
             and in my mind since Robbie's diagnosis has had to 
speed up this race with GOD (my thoughts and words) to bring
QUALITY and QUANTITY to Robbie's life without taking away
 from my family and with resemblance of order in all of it for myself 
my family for whatever time Robbie had left and I know in my
                   ownšŸ’—my SOUL, I have always had pure 
 intention in ALL I do and say. I apologize for my over the top
   enthusiasm if I've overwhelmed anyone because my intentions
   were ALWAYS PURE of šŸ’—seeking solutions for what came
 along and using ALL the GIFTS of
  HEALING that the DIVINE has bestowed upon me everywhere
 I AM SO BLESSED and my family for this precious son, brother, 
       cousin, friend Robbie who still among us and he's been my
  GREATEST Teacher this lifetime and everyone by his example.
Robbie has GIVEN so much of himself to each of us and especially
                   thešŸ’˜he has shared with us ALL and still!  

                                      I AM Sandra 
                                   I AM a HEALER!
    3 times this week I was told by 3 different intuitive's I respect, 
   said the same thing. I need to lower my vibration because 
        it is too powerful for them and others to be near or around.
                   I must ground myself each and EVERY DAY!
 Making a DIFFERENCE for those who choose to LISTEN, 
           matters to me, especially my 3 children, my siblings, 
       extended family, friends and the world for that matter with 
     those like me sharing WISDOM to those who haven't got the 
               message so far this lifetime and maybe never will.
                             We can only HOPE and PRAY!!!

Letting go of someone you šŸ’—for whatever reason is the MOST
     DIFFICULT thing to do especially when you know what 
you do works.  HOWEVER, Robbie and I have had to let go and
  let GOD and keep hoping and praying they WILL GET IT!!!!!!

                    *****Dr. Lissa Rankin on PBS   
            I think my ANGELS woke me up this magical night 
                    wide awake so I started to surf the channels 
                and to my dismay, all my favorites were repeats. 
   I flipped one more and there she was, Dr. Lissa Rankin!!! 
*****I recommend watching her on PBS as she shares her 
WISDOM and COURAGE and give up her medical practice to find
answers why people have given their POWER OVER to medical 
world and she teaches in her school in CA how to's talk to people
create change in the medical system sickness to WELLNESS and
     to move forward totally out of your comfort zone as she did. 
               That alone is stepping out of ones comfort zone 
        but necessary for progress and HEALTH and Wellness!!!!!
   Giving up that which did not serve her so she and her baby 
 could move forward empowered by her following her inner 
       guiding system that we all have if we LEARN to TUNE IN 
                            and listen to it within each of us.
This was my TAKE on her SPECIAL that I watched and I suggest
           you see this SPECIAL on PBS for yourself and think 
         and digest it for your own well being and realize you too
       can take back your POWER for yourself teach your family
                         and be that example unto others.
                       I personally live by the 
                   SERENITY PRAYER!!!!
                  God grant me the Serenity
         to accept the things I cannot change;
        Courage to change the things I can 
          Wisdom to know the difference!!!!!
  My youngest of 3 and a Leo the Lion Robbie 
            has lived his ENTIRE LIFE with
            I have ever witnessed personally.
 Family, friends and even strangers each day 
       in his life who have shared in some way
              in his day will tell you the same.
Robbie is an EXAMPLE to MODEL in life!!!!

                 *****DR. LISSA RANKIN 
                         on PBS SPECIAL

              Author of Mind Over Medicine
                Integrative Medicine Practice
  Founder of Whole Health Medicine Institute
 This SPECIAL on that magical night lit a WARM
     FEELING of  JOY WITHIN me thinking and 
   out loud I said: "she says the same things that I 
say to those I meet in conversation" that validated 
    me and confirmed I was on the right path and
 empowered me with more clarity to move forward
 with my inner guidance with the knowing that I
 have been making a difference in Robbie's world, 
 his health and soul and to others and myself with 
the hope my family and those in my presence who
complain of this or that and when I offer my
sacred mission of healing, my GIFTS I have been 
attuned to or learned and been guided to and still
 this lifetime thanks to
 Robbie, they get mad or angry.  I ALWAYS offer 
 and will continue to do so as long as I live in the
hope they will wake up this lifetime and open their 
     minds to the possibilities and experience the
   wonders I have brought to light because of my 
search for QUALITY with QUANTITY of Life 
for Robbie for whatever time GOD keeps him here
 to be that example of the AMAZING child and 
adult he has worked so diligently and remarkable he 
has always been to
himself and others who have enjoyed his presence.
                We HOPE and PRAY for this!  
Dr. Rankin has her own Institute of learning in CA
to educate doctors and those perhaps like you and
me in the field of assisting themselves, loved ones,
         others becoming attuned to HEALING
MODALITIES like Reiki, Yuen Method of Healing, learning
Tong Ren, Tui Na and other forms of NATURAL                  
      HEALING because the body has the innate 
ability to HEAL ITSELF and to lead others towards 
  their GOALS of Health and Wellness. We must
 the face of our Medical World as we know it as
      treating sickness and disease to PROMOTE 
                 WELLNESS with education.
             Dr Galloway wrote in his book of 
                      Anyone Can Do It 
          Eastern and Western Medicine 
       Tong Ren Healing by our Master Teacher,
                               Tom Tam 
                                 being the 
                 BRIDGE of CONNECTION 
                         between the two!!!!! 
     I suggest you watch her special and also on to view another incredible 
interview of Dr Lissa
Rankin's as she appears in an interview on 

  our ENVIRONMENTS of Body, Mind and Spirit and the most
          I highly recommend watching this courageous woman,
 Dr Lissa Rankin who paved the way for ALL to follow her example
              and throw "FEAR TO THE WIND" for it is:
          She not only validated who I had evolved to at that time
  in my search for Robbie's QUALITY and QUANTITY of
        Life purging and adding and realized how on track I was
         at this stage of our journey a couple of years back.  She 
      empowered me even more then I already was and gave me
more and more ideas to further our journey helping myself, Robbie
    and others who choose to listen along the way or not each day
                       each and every of my life and still.
 Lissa was preaching to the choir that night and I couldn't believe 
how I resonated with her and her wisdom, what she was saying,
 how she empowered more as she spoke.

           I was glued to her EVERY WORD of WISDOM 
 that we two have COME to know, grow and share
   because of Robbie's diagnosis and set forth this
mother on my unstoppable preset path set before 
us. Before we even arrived here on this Earth, me 
   to seek, learn, to open up my mind and discern
    learn and teach others and wake up Robbie to
   open up his mind to LISTEN and make better 
          choices of what he puts into his Body,
 Mind and his AMAZING SPIRIT of the DIVINE
         and assist those in their journey towards 
                      Health and Wellness 
       like Kim, Robbie's girlfriend with the same 
   diagnosis as him including diabetes but she was 
    overweight which she lost and looked GREAT 
 and felt so too.  Seeing the changes in Robbie she
  asked me to help her and I was so happy to do so. 
   I was also able to get her on the Manna Relief
 Program that Robbie got on when his dad stopped
              paying for his Mannatech Products.  
She šŸ’—ed how she looked and like Robbie, thrived. 
    I will admit her mom was not happy cause she 
didn't understand that Kim's diet was not conducive
  to health.  Kim and Robbie were a happy couple
   and lived in the same building so they spent a lot
 of time together in fact I introduced them that first
            day she moved in at the front door as
 I asked her if she needed help getting in the 
   building and the rest is history for their šŸ’•story.
    If your fortunate like me, your inner guidance,
  some call intuition, you grow with those helping 
hands along the way.  My course can NEVER be
                detoured for this son of mine,
         {a MOST SPECIAL CHILD of GOD}
has been and will continue to be my GUIDEPOST/
my GUIDING LIGHT who surges me through
my family I was born into and the nursing home he
lives in and whoever wherever they cross my
          path until GOD brings him home.
PLEASE open up your heart and pocket to help me
raise the necessary funds for this POWER CHAIR
that whatever time Robbie has left this lifetime, we
who care andšŸ’—Robbie will be able to easily with
 a CUSTOM POWER CHAIR, take him wherever
  whenever his his or ouršŸ’•choose or need to go.
    Attracting like minded people, taking classes,
       teachers, mentors, books, CD's of learning 
      that I couldn't get enough of kept me with sane
will all the family and establishment and ALL the
 criticism, sarcasm, anger put upon me, since our
 journey began and still, however though SAD for 
      their ignorance it NEVER stopped me from
            helping Robbie and surging forward.  
*****I can't count tell how many caring people
who know who I am and what I do have told
me that I MUST take care of me or I will be
  stopped dead in my tracks and being FORCED
to be in that HORRIFIC Alzheimer's House being 
    a HEALER like myself so attuned to people
as well as his mom is overwhelming and depressing
 to say the least.  I have told LF over and over these
 years we've been forced to be in that house that it's
inhumane to have put Robbie  who does NOT have 
Alzheimer's and me his major caregiver throughout 
week and spends thee most time with him 30 hrs or
more each week and also when family or friends
couldn't go to visit, I also would go on the weekend.
After I researched ALL Robbie's meds when he
went in LF taking 2 and at that point 22-24 and
serious consequences with his health and loosing 
weight I researched ALL his meds and my findings 
  were clear that the blood in his stool, projectile 
    vomiting, constipation, low iron, anemia, his 
  skin, dandrif in his eyebrows and hair, etc. were 
  interaction of the meds prescribed by his doctor.
I was asked to takes Robbie to followup a year later
     with his gastro--intestinal doctor in Boston.
I told him my findings re: his meds and he agreed
with me that he was taking too many meds and to 
   get together with the team that prescribed these 
   meds and delete what could/should be deleted.
He also said to put Robbie through any more tests
               at this stage was not necessary.  
         I told the acting director, Betsy Mullen 
        what the doctor said and she called him 
             for verification and he denied it. 
      He even said: Bless you Sandra as we left.
I DON'T LIE for myself, Robbie or anyone.  
    That doctor is a suppose to DO NO HARM!  
  SAD but true to say: doctors back other doctors
up EVEN when their WRONG making profit off
 scripts and the nursing home does also to be sure. 
             Our medical system is focused on 
   SICKNESS rather then on WELLNESS!!!!!
    I had to STOP BEING Robbie's health proxy 
because I cannot willing, knowingly poison my son. 
 My family believes that LF is great since they no
     longer have to care for him nor worry about
him being harmed or hurting himself.  {That's
  a joke.} Well I care and in my opinion, he is and
       has been HARMED and I have the proof
Bob, Robbie's dad who died this past June said:  I 
was ungrateful.  I disagree.  I only wish I had the
      funds to have total 24 hour care for Robbie 
within my own living space place and my own
         healing center but unfortunately I don't.
    When the so nursing home won't protect my
son and stood and said aloud, we have to follow
thru with what the doctor/s prescribe. What a racket
they run for profit?????  NO CONSCIENCE!!!!!!!

  I have learned so much this lifetime because of
      Robbie following my path of enlightenment 
especially since 1999 when I 1st got my Blog and 
    discovered Mannatech products that got rid of 
Rob's hammer toes of 17 years on top of his feet.
   Unfortunately,  my family knows nothing about
 health and I do and because of my wisdom I got
along the way have had to deal with major criticism
from family, friends and those who care for my son.
   Who knew my SOUL'S journey which without
 knowing that January of 1999 when Priscilla that
 magical night at Country Dancing share what she
was doing and believed it would help Robbie and
myself and told me about Mannatech products
 which charted my course and surely I have with
    great pride helped Robbie and shared all I've 
    learned with any one along the way who had
interest in changing their health in some way..........
 People don't feel well within and need education 
to create change in their overall well being in order 
  to create peace within and not to give our power  
to the medical world as I have learned and Dr Lissa
  Rankin promotes. She has learned and me also to
 listen to my own body's wisdom which blocks each
of our innate ability to help and heal ourselves for
    GOD gave each of us souls that gift of choice.
      By creating PEACE WITHIN we WILL 
Anne Marie who was one of the 10 residents with
Robbie when we were on the sixth floor asked me 
one day "has Robbie ALWAYS been to polite and
 kind?"  YES, I proudly exclaimed and the ONLY
 time as a rule you will hear him upset is at himself
  when he can't do today what he did yesterday as
 this horrific diagnosis of Friedreich's Ataxia made
       it in this declining degeneration as it has
              taken over in his health's decline.  
Robbie has not only been my greatest teacher this
  lifetime, he has been my GREATEST GIFT and  
my family's and those who meet and are greeted by
   his AMAZIMNG SMILE!!!  I must have done 
something right to bring such an AMAZING young
     man into this world for he is and has been to 
   ALL such a ā¤ING, GIVING SOUL to be an
            EXAMPLE to everyone who hasthe PLEASURE
    of his company. 

  He EMPOWERED me even as a small child andšŸ’—ed ALL I've
learned in the healing modalities especially Mannatech Products 
Pricilla in my Country Dance world told me about that straightened  
his hammer toes/both feet he had for 17 years in '99 thanks to
   Joey's untiring superb care as PCA who sat in 
between caring for Robbie who had to fill each capsule of what Rob 
PCA Robbie ever had.  That is when he first opened up his mind and
when his family should have done to realize was on the right path to
making a difference in his health and well being and a HOPE came
thru CLEARLY to me, Robbie and Kim, his girlfriend who also had
 the same diagnosis and asked me if I would help her too.  I was so
       HAPPY to do so and she too improved and lost weight, felt
better etc. 
RobbiešŸ’—ed every healing modality I've been attuned to or learned
    mostly in 2005 and kept adding as one tugged at myšŸ’—and I
 shared ALL with others and still this lifetime from my
 first atunement 
of Reiki in 2005, Yuen Method of 
Healing, Akashic Records, Sacred Geometry

will until GOD in his INFINITE šŸ’˜ofšŸ’•takes him HOME!!!!!

He was ONLY 10 when diagnosed with Friedrich's Ataxia that was
     THEE MOST TRAGIC DAY in my life as all the tests were 
          completed 7/10/84 just before his 11th Birthday 8/14th.
      When I heard this MD'S results as he sat at his desk with NO 
  EMOTION, INFLUX in his voice or COMPASSION as I sat alone
               listening, felt ašŸ—”in myšŸ’—and I couldn't breathe.
 This MD actually had the nerve to tell me to go home and act like I
NEVER told you.  I was in shock at his COLDNESS in is voice and
  overall self.  What kind of doctor/monster was this man?????????
COPY and PASTE LINK BELOW and send to your email: 
This MP3 File is of Tong Ren Healing which I am in my 14th year
   with our Master Teacher, Tom Tam, by clicking on link can send
  to your cell/email this GIFT of my 5th recording done on 5/31/18 
in the 5th Dimension created by our Master Teacher of Tong Ren 
which is Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES is a great HEALING
tool to play any time except while driving which may make you too
relaxed.  Playing each night as you go to sleep for 6 weeks without
pause will create CHANGE.  STUDIES have been done to prove this.

   TRUE THANKS goes to Robbie for surging me forward on this
 QUEST/JOURNEY in search to help somehow make a difference
       in some way to slow down this horrific Friedreich's Ataxia 
    or finding a CURE for is death sentence I was just given of my 
youngest of 3 children wondering how do I tell my husband and
2 daughters, Robin and Danielle the facts I was just given for Robbie
                                   our beloved son and brother.  
             Robbie has been through these 35 years and counting 
      "the WIND BENEATH MY WINGS" !!!!
                         Click on DONATE!
 Robbie's and me and


 for a 
            Click on DONATE!

                 ESPECIALLY for Robbie's
          His OUTDATED POWER CHAIR is 
                                NOT SAFE 
                       NOT REPAIRABLE
 him a POWER CHAIR because he is BLIND! 
      I and others will NEVER be able to take
 my son anywhere AGAIN except through the
        Leonard Florence {LF} Center for Living 
   {the nursing home section}where he's been
        living 1st in rehab and then became a 
     resident because of his SPECIAL NEEDS. 
     I won't be able to push his new push chair
   being made for him except within the
  confines in LF or out to the patio or driveway 
ONLY because of the hilly section of where he
     lives on Admirals Way and I'm NOT able
 to push a non power chair since the accident
      last year 4/4/17 when a huge 4 by 4 came at
 me out of control claiming her 4 wheel drive 
   was stuck on Main St so she rode around the 
 corner to Water St, Wakefield, MA and thru a 
 parking lot and out at me though I tried to get
out of the way when this shadow came at me, 
   I was hit on driver side  before wheel which 
knocked out my headlight and was pouring rain.
 Whiplash didn't show up right away and I have
                     had much therapy since.
     I became Rob's health proxy to give him a 
 FREE that I PAID for ALL of it and family in 
    their "ignorance that is not bliss" NEVER
        noticed ALL Robbie's improvements. 
They say:  "there are NONE SO BLIND as those
 ALL Rob's dandruff in his hair, eyebrows and
  his skin ALL CLEARED when I was Robbie's 
       health proxy and I was with him 30 plus
 hours a week GIVING caring for his EVERY
 WISH and need that staff is not able or have 
    the time to give Robbie including massage/
Tui Na, Tong Ren, MMS which I am D.MMS
 and Robbie using ALL CHEMICAL FREE
    products especially deleting fluoride which 
destroys the kidneys and affects our Pineal gland,
our connection with the DIVINE. LF or Danielle
didn't have to buy or supply anything of personal 
         hygiene daily care products for Robbie for  
   Staff, family and friends in his room anyone
just had to use. His own coffee maker, including 
organic coffee, teas, raw sugar, organic virgin
coconut oil, soap to bathe, shampoo, for shaving
etc. to create a CHEMICAL FREE 
      of GOD to those who have ALL had the 
PLEASURE to meet Robbie, who greets
with a SMILE
 to WALK and ROLL
among us for whatever this lifetime and RAISE
the FUNDS for this BEAUTIFUL SOUL to be
taken anywhere his šŸ’—DESIRES for whatever
time he has left this lifetime.

he has left in this life.

            whatever time has left in this life.

I gave Robbie during my time spent MMS which
          I am a D.MMS {ALL on this BLOG!!!!!
Robbie did well and even gained 5 #'s as soon as
we did prune juice each morning instead of med
                          they were giving him
That OVERWHELMING DAY I literally had to 
walk away for that Alzheimer's house NEVER
to return that was an inhumane cruel abusive
thing to do to the 2 of us.  Especially me he 
HEALER whose Body, Mind and Spirit were
broken and not sure at this stage of my lack of
health can be turned around????

   being with Robbie was when he saw SPIRIT.  
Yes, last year when his dad was visiting Robbie
 from Florida where he lived, he took Rob to
     is sister's house and got back around 6 pm.
Bob got Rob out of the van and Rob said "dad, 
are the parking lot lights on?  No Rob he replied"
                 it's early and LIGHT til late. 
       Bob sarcastically said:  must be Jesus!
     Bob brought Rob to his room and got him 
   settled in and left.  Robbie furthered said my 
        after the weekend on Monday" Marm, 
       after dad left, I saw more LIGHT to my
right, at my feet{as you can see by his pictures
above how his posture makes him sit like 
                   a V and why he see the 
even being blind. 
 He was so excited 
     and he also was hearing SPIRITS like me, 
        conversing with his Grampy 
who told Robbie hešŸ’—his tatoo of the USS MA
which Rob NEVER had when his Grampy was 
I AM a Spiritualist and have been 
preparing him WITHOUT FEAR for their is
NO DEATH for you can't destroy ENERGY and
we are energy
transitioned, his girlfriend Kim who transitioned
from Friedreich's Ataxia almost 12 years ago,
  and his friend Phillip who was killed by a car.
Sad to say but that horrible day when I could NO
LONGER put up with that Alzheimer's house 
   because I failed getting Robbie off meds that 
 were poisoning him and causing him to vomit,
constipate him due to interaction of 22-24 meds
they were giving him.  My daughter and family
could care less and she has NO PROBLEM
        with LF/doctors poisoning her brother.  
I on the other hand walked out crying knowing
I could NEVER be Robbie's caregiver again 
forced into that Alzheimer's house for it 
CRUSHED my Body, Mind and Spirit and made
me seriously ill and I was told many times I will
             crash if I didn't take care of me
                    and I was at my lowest.  
      Strange as I cried all the way home and 
  attempted to back into my parking space and 
heard this noise so I moved forward about 1'1/2
and noise again so I moved back to find out
 transition gone and no money to replace so the
   The Red Sox Foundation was MOST
                    HAPPY to tow it away!!!
  GOD STOPPED me dead in my tracks and
the next day I was sick for 6 weeks and to date
      I have lost 25#'s and aged 30 years being 
without Robbie having NO CAR and ended up
in the ER with a paralyzed right hand, severe
pain totally unable to use my right hand,
hospitalized for 3 days where they took good
medicare of me which I refused most of it for I
don't do drugs or meds BUT that red line was
8 inches up my right arm, no car and on welfare
in housing thank GOD, able to get rides to 
medical appointments, I already had a 
transportation to pick up test results for a 
Cat Scan and went to ER where they 
immediately knew my suspicion of cellulites

attempted to
.  Thank GOD
I do Tong Ren and the BEMER Mat and for 
is the 
message those who cared about me was so true.
 I commuted from home to Chelsea which took
6 hours and 15 minutes round trip in a freezimg
winter we had.

which ALL 
        when Danielle took over being Rob's 
     health proxy.  She knew NOTHING
     that I've been studying and incorporating 
              and helping others since 1999!

   She took over being Rob's health proxy that
       SAD DAY I had to walk away from 
         Leonard Florence cause I could NOT 
    KNOWINGLY POISON my son with the
  toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, 
skin lotions, sun screens, etc. 
 that was being done and added back into Rob
     and I had to walk away in tears cause my
     HEALTH of Body, Mind and Spirit were 
    FAILING and crashed and got seriously 
  ill and the transmission in my car went ALL
             within that tragic 24 hour DAY.  
           I had to WALK AWAY or DIE from
     the horror of it ALL BEING A HEALER!
    It was time to go for Danielle controlled it 
ALL and if Rob didn't do what she wanted, she
wouldn't help him any more.
Rob and I failed to educate OUR DEAF, DUMB
      and BLIND family and extended family 
  and NO CAR NOW for 26 weeks
                    and counting when I
            am soon able to get another car!

              As Kenny Rogers song says:
               Know when to HOLD 'EM
               Know when to FOLD  'EM
              Know when to WALK AWAY
     Know when to RUN which I had to do to
              HOPEFULLY RECOVER! 
I BELIEVE I am still here because of the Tong
Ren HEALING I do EVERY DAY for people 
and the added BEMER Mat which improved
Rob's hearing and speech and why I bought the
 BEMER Mat in the 1st place instead of a car.

Rob's life is TIME SENSITIVE; a car can wait!

              PLEASE READ this booklet by
Clicking on the link link below.  You can't
even buy it anymore and I use to give it away
       WISDOM is WITHIN THE PAGES!                                      

Here is the link to get
HEALING from my MP3 File of my 5th
recording in the 5th month on 5/31/18 in the 
5th Dimension of our Universe in my 14 year 
with our MasterTeacher, Tom Tam in this
ONGOING STUDY of Tong Ren doing 
Quantum Physics.   

Rob moved in taking 2  meds when he 1st came
to LFCforL to 22-24 which caused Rob
GREAT harm because of their interaction
with one another which were researched and
even at the Gastro-Enterologist, MD I took 
Rob to agreed with me that Rob was on too
many meds and told me to get together with
       those in charge of his care to discuss 
             what could/should be deleted.

     Betsy Mullen called the MD to verify 
           what I said was true WITH my
  findings and that Gastro Intestinal
 didn't have the balls
    to tell the truth of what he told me re:  too
many meds interacting causing Rob's blood 
in his stool, projectile vomiting, anemia and 

        to back up my findings of unnecessary 
         meds he was given causing him harm.
    All my efforts to protect Rob were in vain... 
                           I wanted to make a difference with
the WISDOM I have acrud over these 19 years
in Rob's health of blood in his stool, projectile
       vomiting and more interaction of meds
but the doctor didn't have the balls to back me 
  up.  Just like the doctors get a cut of he meds
      people are on, so does the nursing home.       
    My ONLY concern was Rob's safety and 
          well being and I DO NO HARM!!!!

      It was clear to me that family was more 
           concerned that Rob is in Leonard
      Florence be taken care of 7 days a week
        so Rob's so called family doesn't have  
                      to worry about him. 

       I have much concern for Rob's safety
      the pictures and videos to prove neglect.Money has been long gone and my HEALTH TO
Thank God for Tong Ren HEALING and 

and the BEMER Mat or I believe I'd be
 log gone from the STRESS of doing my
BEST of what GOD put me on this EARTH
to DO and Rob as the example of TOTAL
           As it is now, ALL can visit Robbie
                         when they can.
I have pictures and videos to prove otherwise.

I thought becoming Rob's health proxy would
make a difference in Rob's QUALITY of Life
      and am MOST UNHAPPY it did NOT.  
NOT ONLY did my health go down the drain, 
the day I decided I couldn't go to the nursing
       home any longer if I wanted to live, my
transmission went in my car and NO FUNDS
to fix it and I was told over and over that if I
didn't STOP and start caring for Sandra, I
would crash and GOD STOPPED me literally
                  almost dead in my tracks.

   I could NO LONGER BE Rob's health proxy
    poisoning him with my family oblivious to 
    chemicals Rob is exposed to in that nursing 
       home especially FLUORIDE toothpaste.  
         Ignorance is NOT BLISS in my book.

   Because of my compromised immune system 
    being in the Alzheimer's House and extreme 
   weight loss it has been a slow process towards 
                         recovery if ever.
     Thank God I kept my promise to Rob and
       didn't put him in a nursing home rather
taught him to BETTER EXTEND his own life.

Robbie was diagnosed at age 10 just before his
 11th birthday with Friedreich's Ataxia and NO
       family MONEY left to give him the care
   he needs and deserves since he was 39 and on
              8/14/18, Robbie was 45.  
     At present time due to the damage from 
              a car accident when I was hit 
          on a one way street doing 5-8 mph
                             on 4/4/17, 
            I am NOT ABLE to push a push 
                 wheelchair without power. 

       Rob had NO CHOICE in the matter to
   move from the 6th floor house of 10 as they 
     are called that we had grown use to since
      my younger daughter had pull to get her
           brother into the Leonard Florence's 
              rehab section of this 3 sections, 
                including Assisted living and 
              Alzheimer's House as they are 
                    called of 10 residents. 
          I am sure my younger daughter had
  NO CLUE her request for Rob to be moved to 
         wherever Mary, his 6th floor nurse 
    would be moved to the Alzheimer's House
   which is so injurious to a HEALER like me.
It is hard enough for me to have my child in
a nursing facility BUT ALZHEIMER'S is SO
CRUSHING to my Body, Mind and Spirit as 
 and has destroyed my immune system where I
            have lost 23#'s and aged 30 years.
Rob's level of living 
                   and got Rob into rehab 
    recovering from his PCA caring for Rob
     where he lived previously in Saugus who
    negligently left Rob outside in the extreme 
         heat wave that Summer we had over 
              the 4th of July while he was in
        air conditioning in Rob's apartment
                        eating his lunch.
           Thank God Brenda saw Rob and 
                   came to his rescue.
 Rob was dehydrated, pneumonia had to be
  taken to MA Gen'l the following day where he
was until he went to Rehab at 
instructions that 


being forced to live in an Alzheimer's
 unit which 
houses 9 plus Robbie who does NOT have this 
horrific disease and totally depresses me and has
compromised my body, mind and spirit which 
has totally compromised and declined my health.  


 Fundraiser we had for Robbie Schriefer my son!
                 I would like to thank those who donated
               towards Robbie's Pilgrimage I did on his behalf.
               Half the money was raised and I am so grateful.
      I am sent a personal thank you to all those who donated 
        but I don't have an address or name to go with Consult Inc. 
    I am soooooooo grateful to those who cared enough for me to go
      on Rob's behalf.  He never could have made this climb or had 
      the care he requires but this mom was happy and proud to do
     it for him, myself and my family for it gave me an inner peace
      and strength that I will carry with me for the rest of Robbie's
    journey yet to come knowing Mother Mary is there to greet him.

     ***** I would like to share the reason I was so sure that I was
        called to go on this Pilgrimage to Mother Mary where she 
       appeared to these six gifted children who in spite of all the 
    interrogations they went through since her appearance in 1981, 
                 and still, they NEVER lost sight of their faith.
      This was not a vacation or a relaxing experience but rather a 
     commitment to my belief system of a lifetime that I am truly a 
    child of Mother Mary and she has and is looking out for me and
         all her children.  She came and picked me up at my lowest
   as Rob is nearing heading HOME and put this Pilgrimage on my
     plate to accept and grow in her love and trust that she will take
    great care of Robbie.  He has truly suffered more then humanly
     possible or one should and my family and me along with him.
   You should know that Rob has been my GREATEST TEACHER
    this lifetime and the lessons I have learned from his example of
    taking this illness upon himself and pushing me to find answers 
    to help him and it turned me towards a world of healing to help 
        myself and others along the way who have also benefited. 

 My Story of how I was called to go on this Pilgrimage with Fatima!
 At our meditation class of Fatima's one night, she mentioned
   about this Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.  To tell you the truth, I had
     never heard of this which happened in 1981 as it also did with 
    "Our Lady of Fatima" which I knew well growing up going to
                    St Pius V Parochial School in Lynn, MA. 
               As soon as Fatima said the date she was going on 
             September 20th which was my best friends birthday,
      Mary Price since the second grade when we met growing up 
  who died when she was only 34 years young, I just knew it was a 
   message for me to go. My middle name is Mary named after my
 grandmother, Mary Ryan.  These all added up to Mother Mary was  
      tugging at my heart and I had no money to go so the question
                     was HOW to face this CHALLENGE??????
     I was told about doing a fundraiser so I decided NOT to be 
                                 deterred from my goal.
My friends made the payment in full up front so now I had to 
trust to do the rest to make it happen and I am so thankful it did.
Also when I lost my home back in 2011, I had applied for housing at 
     St Mary's Plaza which is usually a long wait and within just 3 
  months later just before I was about to lose my home of 38 years,
                             I got a call from St Mary's Plaza. 
      Do you think Mother Mary is and has always been looking
  out for this Sandra Mary?  I finally learned to listen in the quiet.
     I got the call from Sarah who manages St Mary's Plaza that
       I could come to see if I liked the apartment available the 
  next day and of course I said YES which was on August 15th,
                         which just happens to be the 
       Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption of Mother Mary.
       Do you see how I was driven/called to make this happen with
       DIVINE INTERVENTION at it's best because I listened. 
 Jesus said:  anything you ask of me through my Mother, I will grant" 

             I was with a group from the Croatian Mir Center
                      out of Florida at:
             Carlos was the man there who arranged it all and we
              were so fortunate to stay in one of the 6 visionaries,
                                 hotel, Mirjana on our stay there. 
                  Mirjana, her husband and her family were most cordial 
                  and the food was wonderful and accomodatations also.              .
                   Each of us there was called to go to stay there
        and visit where Mother Mary appeared back in 1981 to six
                   children and still appears to them and brings
             messages to ALL Mankind to pray to create PEACE,
                                        to say the Rosary. 
      We must have PEACE within in order to create World Peace. 
      What a GIFT that would be to live life in PEACE.  Amen! 

         ***** It is difficult to put into words the experience we
                all shared there together except to say that we
        I believe that each of us came home with an inner peace
          that we have the ability to move forward with each of 
               our challenges whether for ourselves or our family
                   member like Robbie knowing that we are not 
                alone but walk hand in hand with Mother Mary
          as our guidepost who is "The Queen of Peace" holding
                       our hand as we travel this road ahead.
            I am so grateful for this heartfelt experience we all
        shared our tears, laughter and the hope that others will
         follow in our footsteps climbing Apparition Hill and 
   Cross Mountain and share in the experiences and MIRACLES 
which each of us in our own way received to face life's journey with
             an open heart to share with all who cross our paths.
      *****I especially want to thank our amazing guide Miki
  throughout this Pilgrimage from picking us up at Split airport,
  who prayed with us and shared his stories and knowledge of the
          wonders we would see with its history to each of us.  
       Who climbed with us up Apparition Hill as we stopped
                and he explained with details I never knew. 
         We as Pilgrims climbed to the top in silence up Cross 
 Mountain in hopes for ourselves, our loved ones and all of 
     mankind in prayer to do what we boldly were doing and
to experience the calm, the peace within and the love of it ALL
 as others did before us and those Pilgrims to come after us to
   experience what we were all doing and receiving to create:

          We stopped and prayed at each Station of the Cross
     as we climbed our way up to the top in silence and prayer
    contemplation and reflection while at the top of each climb. 

  We shared on climb down for the accomplishment achieved
            and the feelings we each had for the joy of it all.
              We did each one on a separate day and each
     seemed an impossible climb as you looked at the terrain 
     and I amazed myself for the way I glided up each of them
  using my walking stick and walking in Robbie's sneakers with
  my goal to get to the top of each one having a great feeling of
                            accomplishment and I did.
    What seemed an impossible climb was another Hail Mary
 on my Rosary Beads using my fingers to count each ten beads.
  Mother Mary was my constant and my reason for saying YES.
     There were some who struggled but others helped them up
               to the top so they too reached their goal, the climb.  :-)

Product Details

  Mirjana Soldo is one of 6 visionaries who we
 stayed with and her amazing book I am half way
  through of what she grew up with and what she
and the other 5 children went through after seeing
    Mother Mary.  Even as adults, they still see her 
once a month on the second of every month.  I hope
            you will buy it on
  Also:  there are two documentaries at perhaps
           your local theater to watch for called 
            TheTriumph (not sure who filmed) 
Apparition Hill by Sean Bloomfield and Company
        Both movie makers care enough to get the 
  word out about Medugorje and the WISDOM of 
                             Mother Mary! 
I hope to add some pictures when I figure out how. 

               I didn't reach my GOAL to
              MEDJUGORJE 9/20-9/28/16 
This was NOT A VACATION for me to go on in Rob's
place for he is totally handicapped to create MIRACLES
which are still happening but a PILGRIMAGE of walking, 
climbing Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain which were
a MOST CHALLENGING climbs for the terrain was
scary to say the least and we needed a walking stick
for safety and prayed the Stations of the Cross and
the Rosary on our climbs up and back down.  I am so
HAPPY to say that many MIRACLES have happened 
since and I am so GRATEFUL to those who helped make
it possible and especially, Robbie.
 I raised half the money and so GRATEFUL to have
 visited where MOTHER MARY appeared in 1981
To read more.....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .... Robbie was diagnosed when he was 10 years                                 
     He was given 6 months, a year, 5 or 10 years in 1984 at Mass
 General, Boston.  I was devastated and even worse, the doctor who 
     gave me Robbie's diagnosis and what I was to expect, had no 
compassion or influx in his voice of any compassion.  There is  
NO GREATER force on earth then a mom protecting her young 
like a LIONESS. I searched and learned everything I could to create
QUALITY and QUANTITY of LIFE for Robbie for whatever 
He has been "The Wind Beneath My Wings" and led me to  healing myself and assisting others to do the same in the process.
He is blind, hearing impaired and speech impaired also.
I believe that this Pilgrimage to Medjugorje will bring about an inner Peace in Robbie's heart and being to live out the rest of his life having somehow or someway a better Quality and Quantity for whatever time he has left.
Please find it in your heart to Donate
 How grateful I am and my family and friends and those fortunate to have know Robbie to have shared these 43 years with him and the joy and the lessons we have learned from just knowing him.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Sandra, Robbie and Family.  :-)




Sandra M Schriefer

to educate mankind in adding QUALITY to your life this Memorial Day Weekend at 
Lesley University, Cambridge, MA 
Click on link below for details and perhaps rent a
SPECIAL ROOM AVAILABLE for Metaphysical this year!
CONTACT: Kathy for more details at:  617 334 9432
or email:
Click on link below to view my AD 
The BEMER Mat 
JOIN me for an 8 minute COMPLIMENTARY Session.
Learn how VALUABLE it is to create BETTER BLOOD FLOW throughout the ENTIRE BODY down to each hair follicle.
WithTong Ren I saved Elmer's life age 90 September/ 2016 on life support with his wife and family present and me doing Tong Ren, Ginny signed the papers DO NOT RECESSITATE/DO NOT INCUBATE while using my Master Teacher's technology of Tom Tam (his BIO-ELECTRICITY with the Magic Mat under his right foot with Tom Tam's Wave Machine on it) using Tom Tam's technology NOT taught in Medical Schools in the USA to date!  When I arrived and set Elmer up
 I did Tong Ren [Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES with QUANTUM PHYSICS] for 36 minutes TOTAL.  When I arrived, Cheryl, his daughter-in-law, told me Elmer had 2 days to live and hoping the steroids they gave him would work and bring him back while he was on LIFE SUPPORT. During me doing Tong Ren the buzzers were going on and nurse ran in to see what was happening.  The family disappeared and together discussing what was happening with Elmer which WAS NOT GOOD.  The 2 days to live was changed to 24 hours. 
The family who had been keeping a vigil for 4 days came back into the room with Elmer and me.  Ginny, his wife was given the paper to sign to
I was asked to leave intensive care so the family could have whatever time alone with him.
I packed up and left his room as Ron, his son thanked me for coming.
I text Ron, next morning to see how Elmer was and to my GREAT SATISFACTION, he woke up, sat up, they took life support off, he looked GREAT, ate and home in 3 days and driving in 3 weeks September '16 and turned 92 on 3/3/18.  
YEAH GOD!  YEAH TOM TAM and me the conduit for this AMAZING HEALING I've learned of TONG REN that I have been doing for 13 years.  
 to help ourselves, others and PETS TOO!
BLESS you Tom for your UNTIRING DEDICATION you give to ALL WHO COME to
 RECEIVE and or LEARN or BOTH!!!!! 
Love and Gratitude from the bottom of OUR hearts. 
Your loyal follower Sandra, my son, Robbie with ā¤!!!

*****View 2 short videos of explanation with
Dr. Daniel Amen 
 TRAMA especially in SPORTS over and over, or any major accident/s to the BRAIN, a MAJOR cause of Vegas, Columbine, Football Player Tragedy these kids who went home and got guns and killed so many WHY????DAMAGE to the BRAIN. 
#1-A SHORT MUST WATCH and then
#2 video for more info on link above
WATCH Dr Daniel Amen's VIDEOS and EDUCATE yourself!!!!! 
DO EXACTLY THAT (in my opinion)

Please call me for more info at: 
339 440 5492-H or 617 335 9370 C or text me
or email:
Also go to: 
to listen to the WBZ 10:30 Radio Station in Boston recording of Dan Rea with guests, our Master Teacher Tom Tam who created Tong RenTherapy from his Acupuncture practice of Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES ENERGETICALLY in person or remotely. 
Also with Tom Tam is Julie 3rd time guest of Dan Rea with Tom Tam, her 3rd time on with Dan Rea radio show and Tom Tam's 1st time.  
Hear the testimonies of call in's 
I personally am in my 14th year of this ONGOING STUDY and MOST PROUD to be one of Tom Tam's followers.
Hope you will go online and listen and come to our Tong Ren Healing Classes nearest you or travel to us to take one of Tom Tam's 2 DAY SEMINARS to learn how to do Tong Ren for yourself, family, friends or volunteer to assist with tapping at any of our classes worldwide.  
PS:  One of the testimonies was from former Governor of New Hampshire, Craig Benson with his testimony about his fatal debilitating heart diagnosis which TomTam with Tong Ren sessions, acupuncture and tuina got rid of.  Craig Benson in GRATITUDE started a Foundation for Tom DONATING $10,000 to start
OCI Healing Research Foundation, Inc.
A non-profit organization established for research, education and the promotion of Tong Ren Energy Healing Worldwide with the intention of developing safer and more cost effective healthcare.
The HEALING ENERGY SYMPOSIUM is to educate the public on ALTERNATIVES likeTong Ren Energy Medicine of what we are doing now Quantum Physics and Tom Tam's bring to LIGHT 
BIO-ELECTRICITY the MISSING LINK, (the BRIDGE) to connect Eastern Energy Medicine with Western Technology.  
Read Tom's books and read
 Dr Robert E Galloway's book titled 
Anyone Can Do It:  The Energy Matrix and Tong Ren. 

*****MY TESTIMONY, Sandra M Schriefer, while doing Tong Ren with my 
Master Teacher, Tom Tam's Technology of QUANTUM PHYSICS SAVED Elmer's life! 
 I did Tong Ren, Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES doing QUANTUM PHYSICS {I am sure me with DIVINE INTERVENTION} to prove to non-believer's that Tong Ren is REMARKABLE!!!!!  QUANTUM PHYSICS] for 36 minutes after being told Elmer had 24 hours to live on LIFE SUPPORT.   
I was asked to leave intensive care so the family could have whatever time alone with him.
I text Ron, his son next morning to see how Elmer was and to my GREAT SATISFACTION, he woke up, sat up, they took life support off, he looked GREAT, ate and home in 3 days and driving in 3 weeks September '16 and turned 92 on 3/3/18.  
ALL LEARN to help ourselves and others. PETS TOO!
Love and Gratitude from the bottom of OUR hearts. 
Your loyal follower's Sandra and son, Robbie with GREAT ā¤ and RESPECT for ALL YOU DO FOR MANKIND!!!!! :-)

*****Tom Tam added ALL MODALITIES for ALTERNATIVES or ADDITIVES to Western Medicine for HEALING of our Body, Mind and Spirit!
CONTACT: Kathy for more details or to rent a table/booth at:  617 334 9432

or email:
PLEASE come  this Memorial Day Weekend 2018
at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA for ENERGY HEALING Symposium @ Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. 
ALL HEALING MODALITIES are welcome to register with Kathy while space is available for a fee. 
 Kathy's info to register is on the link below. 
 I will be doing 8 minute COMPLIMENTARY SESSIONS with the BEMER Mat 
There was much interest and success non-stop throughout the 2017 Symposium Weekend last year with those who experienced their 8 minute session with the BEMER Mat.   
The past 3rd Symposium Tom opened up to ALL MODALITIES. 
We BELIEVE it will be AWESOME!!!
Hope you'll attend and tell others to learn about other ALTERNATIVES you can SAFELY integrate with Western Medicine.   
This link below is a FREE small booklet Tom has in his Healing Classes.

The Symposium 2017 was WONDERFUL! 
2018 will be even BETTER.  
Perhaps you'd like your own table to rent and share info of what you do.
Hope you will join us there this 
Memorial Day Weekend 2018!  :-)
CLICK on link below for ALL INFO 
Hope to see you there to receive your Complimentary Session on the 
Sandra :-)

LISTEN to acupuncturist and Tong Ren Therapist and Practitioner,our very own, Aimee on RADIO.  Click below on link
          re: TONG REN

Tong Ren Practitioners United] Tong Ren Healing on WZBC 90.3 FM Newton


Aimee Poirier
June 11 at 11:08am

Tong Ren Healing on WZBC 90.3 FM Newton
June 18 at 10 AM
WZBC 90.3 FM Newton
 Read by clicking on link below or get at Tom Tam's Healing Centers
The TONG REN SYMPOSIUM is to educate the public on Tong Ren Energy Medicine of what we are doing now Quantum Physics and Tom Tam's bring to LIGHT 
BIO-ELECTRICITY the MISSING LINK, (the BRIDGE) to connect Eastern Energy Medicine with Western Technology.  
Read Tom's books and read
 Dr Robert E Galloway's book titled 
Anyone Can Do It:  The Energy Matrix and Tong Ren. 

 Dr Galloway is an Internal Medicine, MD 
Tong Ren Practitioner and TEACHER.  
This book is a MUST READ ESPECIALLY for the medical professionals!
Dr Galloway has on the cover of his book the Image of Two Mountains rising from the Sea (Chi) represents the wisdom of East merging with the Technological Advancements of the West 
With Tong Ren as the Bridge.
IMAGINE what will happen to integrate and 
PUT the CARE back in HEALTHCARE for ALL!
I suggest reading Tom's books to educate yourself.
Tom Tam spoke on Friday evening the 24th from 7-9:30pm and he was AWESOME!
Thank you to EVERYONE who even though they didn't or couldn't come, donated.  We are SOOOO BLESSED to have Tom Tam among us. 
 I know I AM BLESSED to be one of his STUDENTS!
   Tom and other STUDENTS of this ONGOING STUDY like myself do FREE online classes 7 days a week, other classes by DONATION, FREE conference calls which I personally have done 3 FREE EVERY Tuesday for the past 10 years and counting so please donate what you can when you can. :-)
Tong Ren which is an ONGOING STUDY and ever changing for the BETTER.  
I am in my 14th year now back to HEALTH thanks to my son, Robbie who has been the
"Wind Beneath My Wings"!   
I had a table at the Symposium of what I have incorporated into the last 19years WHEN THE TEACHER APPEARED and I WAS READY TO LEARN to CREATE a better life for myself and others.
I hope you who come to be empowered.
Thank you, Sandra :-)

 saved Elmer's life age 90 September 2016 on life support with his wife and family present and me doing Tong Ren signed the papers after the nurses kept coming in as he was hooked up to LIFE SUPPORT.  Cheryl greeted me with the details of 2 days to live. Elmer was breathing oxygen but NOT exhaling carbon dioxide. Basically that meant he may have been in his garage with the car running, garage door closed and exhaust plugged up inhaling carbon min oxide. I learned ALL the points from my Master Teacher, Tom Tam to open the blockages to breath oxygen and exhale carbon min oxide to CREATWE BLOOD FLOW.  The hook ups kept going off and the nurse kept coming in to check his vitals. There was a family meeting to decide what to do.  They changed his prognosis to 24 hours to live. Family came back and his wife signed papers to  DO NOT RESUSCITATE/DO NOT INCUBATE while using my Master Teacher's technology of Tom Tam (his BIO-ELECTRICITY with the Magic Mat under Elmer's right foot with Tom Tam's Wave Machine on it using technology NOT taught in Medical Schools in the USA to date but by Tom Tam, I proceeded to do what I've been taught in my 14 year as Tom's student.

Doing Tong Ren [Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES with QUANTUM PHYSICS] for 36 minutes,
I was asked to leave intensive care by the family so they could have whatever time alone with him.
I joking said to Ron, his son, whom I went with for 61/2 years when he said the family was UNCOMFORTABLE with what I was doing.  I jokingly said: "I've been thrown out of better places and packed up and left feeling GOOD what I did and yet SAD for their unknowing of what I do.
I text Ron, next morning to see how Elmer was and to my GREAT SATISFACTION, he woke up, sat up, they took life support off, he looked GREAT, ate and home in 3 days and driving in 3 weeks September '16 and turned 92 on 3/3/18.  
I replied to Ron, another Tong Ren MIRACLE and I was so pleased to be that conduit from what I've learned and at the very least he was able to say goodbye and they to perhaps say what they never had a chance to say to hubby, dad, grandpa, etc. 
I also BELIEVE DIVINE INTERVENTION came into play to make BELIEVERS are of this family who scoffed at what I do over the years with Ron. 
I know BETTER and it doesn't matter who gets credit because I ALREADY KNOW for the KNOWING!!!!
ALL LEARN to help ourselves and others. PETS TOO!
BLESS you Tom for your UNTIRING DEDICATION you give to ALL WHO COME to
MUCH Gratitude from the bottom of OUR hearts. 
Your loyal follower Sandra and son, Robbie with ā¤!!!

TESTIMONIAL I received from Michelle from being 
my Tuesday Conference Calls.  Thank you Michelle giving

  • people HOPE and the perserverance to HELP THEMSELVES
  • with Tong Ren Healing :-)  Now I have added Tom Tam's Magic
We here as Tom's students make a difference EVERY DAY thanks to
our Master Teacher, Tom Tam.  Thanks Tom for being here this lifetime
to educate and share our MISSION to HEAL this PLANET and BEYOND!

Date: June 28, 2016 at 1:20:55 PM PD
Subject: Testimonial
Hi Sandra,
Please forgive the delay in my getting around to doing this...
I was introduced to Tong Ren by my friend's cousin in May 2015. 
I was dealing with multiple medical issues and felt like there
was no light at the end of the tunnel.  I started to participate in
the live broadcasts and conference calls.  I could feel the 
benefit of relaxation, which allows the body to heal and I especially
could feel the healing energy during Onnie Woods and
Sandra Schriefer's calls.  I was on medication for pain
 in my joints and the calls would give me temporary relief,
 but then Sandra asked me to send her a picture of myself
 as a child and she put in in her abalone shell.  With this and
her addition of her laser, the pain relief lasted longer between
tapping sessions and I was able to stop the medication.  I still
experience some pain, but certainly manageable with 'tune-up
tapping!  I am now concentrating on osteoarthritis and possible
psoriatic arthritis in my hands and wrists.  
Thanks Sandra!  
Much Aloha,

            THIS IS GREAT ALSO!
             SCALAR Energy Healing OFFERING FREE 15 DAY TRIAL
FREE REMOTE SCALAR Energy Healing that I was introduced to at the 
Health Expo 11/15/2015 in Marlboro, MA.
Anyone can sign up themselves or you can sign your friends or loved ones who may have no emails or even a computer or i-pad or smart phones
 (no permission required just send info below)
Single Picture: with name (last name is not necessary) send as attachment;  picture of the face, hand or foot and each day over the trial period you will receive feedback from SCALAR of what was done.
Group Picture of family pet/s included:  family name, group home name, kennel name with pets, vets with animals, etc.

I had my picture of Robbie, my son that I carry that SCALAR took a picture of at the Health Expo (it doesn't have to be a recent photo) 
and used my email to receive the feedback which
SCALAR sends on a day to day basis over the FREE 15 DAY TRIAL.
I used my email for Robbie because he is blind,
hearing and speech impaired and disabled and unable to use his computer.  Many people don't have a computer and don't know how to use one so I take their picture and send via my email. 
Just ask them to be aware to notice change.
*****I suggest you send picture/s as an attachment via computer, I-pad or tablet because the file is rather large that they send one each day. 
Daily Treatments include:
Pathogenic Cleanse
Nutrient Therapy
Chakra Balancing
The healing is completely safe, harmless, painless, subtle and without side-effects.  
100% REMOTE 
 All healing treatments are delivered to you remotely.
Daily healing notification delivered to your email inbox or smart phone if you opt for that.
No credit cards or contracts required. 
CLICK on this link below to register which has the date of expiration.
I AM working with Tom Paladino, who created this HEALING MODALITY using Tesla Technology and he is extending this FREE 15-DAY TRIAL until the end of December.
Share my website to others to benefit AND SO ON AND SO ON.
*****WATCH Tom Paladino's GREAT VIDEOS to educate yourself on both websites about
 SCALAR Energy Healing!
*****CLICK on link below to sign up for a 15 DAY TRIAL ONLY!  If you want to continue after the trial date, you will have to contact Scalar and there will be a fee.  Thank you!  PS:  please don't try to redo the 15 day FREE TRIAL again, it will be blocked.  Tom Paladino offers this GIFT for you to experience change.  Honor that and no repeats please or it will be rejected.  Thank you!
It is absolutely fascinating what Tom does with Tesla Technology AND he can do healing on a MILLION people and pets included each day. 

We must heal WITHIN to create PEACE in EACH of US so we can CREATE WORLD PEACE!

If you call SCALAR:  805 364 3051 and they ask who told you or referred you,
just say me, Sandra Schriefer who met Tom at the Health Expo that Sunday on November 15th, 2015 in Marlboro, MA as we both shared our VISION or MISSION which is the same as Tom Tam's and Jim Humble's
This is a GIFT! Please use it ASAP so you don't miss this HEALING BOAT!
I wish you Love and Light in ALL you Think, Say and Do! 
Questions:  call or text to:  617 335 9370 or email:  :-)

A Tong Ren Recipe by David Gomes
June 29 at 1:53pm
I have adapted Tong Ren for the removal of stored negative emotions and wanted to share the method.
I ask the client to think about the things that upset them for a few minutes so that they feel the negative emotions. I think that this activates those stored neuro- peptides. Meanwhile, I tap along the the bladder meridian, mostly on the head, to further loosen the neuropeptides. I ask the client to then visualize washing away the negative emotions in any manner they like. This may be an instruction to the subconscious to remove the loosened neuropeptides. All of the recipients seem to feel better for this treatment. Avoiding the need to openly discuss the emotional issues suits the method well for use in groups. The visualization can also be used individually when and if the negative emotions resurface, as we all appreciate how deeply they can be buried.

Health and Wellness by Sandra!

Everything you see or read on this site is health related in some form of FYI!

*****I just joined this company because I LOVE what the shampoo does for my hair.
People always tell me I have beautiful hair and this line does MORE then just make my hair look GREAT!
Monat is CHEMICAL FREE and removes toxins from the root of the hair follicle which is AWESOME! Those with thinning hair are having regrowth of their hair.  
Monat also makes a difference for ethnic hair.
Please read more on my personal site of Monat  Also go to  put in Monat and there are many videos to educate yourself. If you like what you see, perhaps you will purchase product or want to sign up on my personal site above.  I LOVE the way my hair looks and feels.
Please call or text or email me with questions to become a customer or perhaps join me in this 
text 617 335 9370 or email:

The Tong Ren Healing System
 created by Tom Tam  
which is 
using the Collective Unconscious. 
We are NOW USING QUANTUM PHYSICS using holograms and HEALING is happening QUICKER.  Come to classes and SEE and FEEL for yourself. 
You can look through our Booklet of ALL of us and I was one of the 22 speakers and read about us and see my AD on the inside back cover. 
Click on this link below or copy and paste
ALSO:   LINK to click on to read 
 Tom Tam's Booklet on Anti-Cancer

I took this Seminar of Tom's and it was AWESOME!  Hopefully you too will take one of his Seminars and learn the Science behind Tong Ren Healing!  Sandra :-)

Video clip from previous class you will have to view on Tom's site at:
Our Tong Ren Symposium 
was June 24th, 25th, 26th 2016 at 
Lesley University in Cambridge, MA.  
I was one of the speakers and had so much
fun using the Magic Mat of Tom Tam's
which charges the electrons in the bone
marrow which makes  
the blood cells which carries the
oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Using the Tong Ren what we have learned by Tom Tam
and removing the toxins in the body
we can create anti-aging.  YEAH!

3/22/2018 I just watched this 

WORTH WATCHING and added to my knowledge of Health and Wellness.
When I learn something NEW, I feel my day is NOT WAISTED and BLESSED by more
 knowledge to SHARE.

Join one of my
Part 1:  is 2 1/2 hours long and facilitated by me, Sandra M. Schriefer
This and the other two workshops covers this gem of a book, by Lissa Rankin, MD
She teaches how to Heal Yourself in Body, Mind and Spirit because the body has the innate ability to HEAL.
This is the FIRST of this three part series to complete her WISDOM for you to implement her TOOLS for HEALING into your life.  It is ALL up to you!

Part II:  is 3 hours long of Write Your Own Prescription 

Part III:  is 3 hours long of Heal Yourself WITH Whole Body Intelligence 
with Dr Rankin having conversation with Steve Sisgold author of 
What's Your Body Telling You?
and also
Heal Yourself WITH FOOD with Dr Rankin having conversation with Kris Carr
New York Times best-selling author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen 

Each Part is separate and PAYABLE:  by Cash, CC or DC at  Pay Pal at this link below

Price: $30 per person each part
$40 per couple and  $15 seniors (65 an older)
It can be done in person, conference call and via Skype.

Have paper and pen to take notes!

It can be done in person with at least 6 people and also via Skype with at least 6 people present who are registered as paid in full.
If YOU get 6 people together PLUS YOU, 
your fee will be FREE!

I will be using Dr. Rankinā€™s videos of her journey back to health and why she gave up her practice of OB/GYN and opened an Institute to educate doctors, practitioners and  healers like me and perhaps you too who will also Write Your Own Prescription towards Health and Wellness.

Dr. Lissa Rankin shares and gives you TOOLS to do so. She not only explains how she did it, you will see her working with therapist Nick Ortner, author of The Tapping Solution.

 Both their books are on NY Times best-seller list!

I hope youā€™ll join me with pen and paper, an open mind and the courage to 
Write Your Own Prescription.
Sandra M.Schriefer, D.MMS, Tong Ren Therapist/Practitioner and Wellness Consultant 

Questions:  Email:
Call or Text me at:  617 335 9370

I have been doing 3 FREE Tong Ren Healing Calls EVERY Tuesday
which are FREE if you have FREE LONG DISTANCE for over 8 years.
Calls at  7am, 3pm and 5:pm ET Zone and are an
hour-ish long.  I work on ALL ISSUES of body, mind and spirit.
JUST sit with your feet on the floor with your hands on your lap with palms facing up  (if possible) to RECEIVE the HEALING CHI or lay down.
If you fall asleep that that is OKAY because your subconscious listens for you.
Call:  712 432 3900 when prompted put the ID7501379# and then MUTE your phone or cell pressing *1 to avoid any noise from your background, phone should be on SPEAKER  and just RELAX and RECEIVE the WONDERFUL HEALING CHI of TONG REN.
At the end of the call you can UNMUTE  to UNMUTE to ask for more help or share your experience during the call.
Thank you,

ROBBIE and I went Skydiving at Jumptown in Orange, MA and you can view the videos at: and put in the search:  Skydiving Robbie 
Skydiving Sandra
A SPECIAL THANKS to Jumptown and ALL their staff who were so friendly, loving and concerned with each of us and the only skydiving facility around that allows handicap to JUMP.

to the
Leonard Florence Center for Living for this GIFT to TRULY FEEL ALIVE
and the opportunity to FLY like a Bird in THEE AMAZING SKY. 
 It is a GREENHOUSE nursing facility of the utmost standing and truly creates opportunities for their residents and families WITHOUT restrictions to truly keep on living and doing for QUALITY and QUANTITY of LIFE if they choose to participate.

A SPECIAL THANKS to Judy for arranging this excursion, being our driver during our caravan ride and making sure each of us was fed and well taken care of from start to finish.
 to you and 
BLESSINGS to both you and the 
 Leonard Florence Center for Living
 and all those who work there with 
Sandra and Robbie :-)

I hope you enjoy ALL the WEALTH of INFO
that I have gathered over the past
17 years and counting on my JOURNEY to 
Health and Wellness with Tong Ren, Rev and D.MMS and Wellness Consultant  and MORE THANKS to my son, Robbie for being the


For more information or to make an appointment, consultation with me One on One in PERSON for an Acustone Session or Healing with Tong Ren which is Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES done by phone, conference call, in person or via Skype.
ALSO:   LINK to click on to read 
 Tom Tam's Booklet on Anti-Cancer

Tong Ren Anti Cancer Banner
Tomā€™s newest Tong Ren Healing class has been a great addition to the many healing classes that are offered to the Tong Ren Healing community as well as the general public. This is a very detailed brochure (Download link at bottom of page) that was created by Tom detailing his class that is specific for cancer and cancer patients, as titled by Tom, called the Tong Ren Anti Cancer Class. We are making this booklet available online so everyone can get an idea of what this class is all about and also a better understanding of Tong Ren Healing and how our scientific theory applies to the healing of cancer with Tong Ren Healing. Also included are moving testimonials by patients that have experienced and benefitted from Tong Ren Healing.
Class Details:
  • Location: 85 Essex St. 2nd Floor, Haverhill MA 01832
  • Time: Saturdays ā€“ 1:00pm ā€“ 2:00pm
  • Also broadcasted live: Live Broadcast Saturdays 1:00pm ā€“ 2:00pm
  • Cost: All of the Tong Ren healing classes in the world are free and have been for the past 15 years. In order to promote this practice of healing we ask for peopleā€™s support which includes community spirit and financial help. We are not looking to profit. We only ask for donations that are used for class related expenses such as pamphlets, facility rent and maintenance costs. All of our Tong Ren practitioners are volunteers and do not receive monetary gain from the classes.
  • Note: Please donā€™t call for with questions, just feel free to come! If you want more information, you can also speak with the patients in our classesā€”they love sharing their healing stories. Also speak with the Tong Ren practitioners who lead these anti-cancer classes.
In the Tong Ren practice of healing cancer, we focus on four factors that may relate to the cause of it. If we can correct these four factors or blockages then the cancer may be healed:
  1. Oxygen
  2. Bioelectricity
  3. Low frequency vibration
  4. Long ā€“ distance signals

content top

Basis of Tom Tam Healing System

Excerpts from Tom Tam Healing System, 7th Edition.
Available at
Tom Tamā€™s Healing System is a modern version of the old system called Huatuojiaji. Doctor Hua Tuo was a famous Chinese Medical doctor born two thousand years ago during the Three Warring Kingdoms period. Unfortunately, his Huatuojiaji philosophy and techniques have been lost over the years. Today all of the TCM schools in China teach Huatuojiaji, but the information taught is unclear. When we read acupuncture textbooks, seldom do we see the usage of the Huatuojiaji method. In my practice, I have tried to bring this system back. The Huatuojiaji is a very famous healing system in TCM history. Its fame is from its effectiveness and achievement. Because of politics, Dr. Huatuo was killed, his book burned and lost from history. Many Chinese doctors have tried to find and revive this system, yet with no success. From my last fifteen years of practice, I have treated more than ten thousand patients with different problems. I have had a lot of success developing and expanding upon this technique by experimenting with what little information remains.
The name Huatuojiaji translates as ā€œto treat the spinal cord.ā€ Jia Ji in Chinese means ā€œboth sides of the spine.ā€ In theory it is similar to the Western chiropractic system. I have taken the Huatuojiaji system, along with acupuncture shu points or energy source points, Western anatomy and the chiropractic system and combined them to form my system. I have successfully treated many patients all over the world using this system. Many of my students use this system and have good results as well.
The West has a very good understanding of the bodyā€™s anatomy, pathology and physiology. They understand the physical aspects of the body, but they do not understand the energy. They lack the knowledge of the bodyā€™s energy and the experience of treatment. This is the reason the West has a hard time understanding many diseases. For example, laboratory research focuses on chemical reactions and cell division. The East has a very good understanding of the energy in the body and much experience in treatment, but they do not understand much about anatomy and physiology.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the doctors never needed to learn anatomy and physiology; they learned the meridians and energy points, and still did a good job healing. Through autopsies, the Chinese were able to see inside the body and discover that their amazing concepts were based on fact. I believe that in the future, medicine must combine Eastern and Western knowledge. In fact, in China they are beginning to combine these two healing systems. The traditional and holistic combined will be the best possible treatment system.
In my healing system, the range of healing is wide; it is highly effective and the cure rate is high. The techniques I use are from the Eastern traditional and folk medicine, and the philosophy I use is from the West. Many patients come to see me and wonder why I did not take their pulse and look at their tongue to derive a TCM diagnosis, which are the standard examinations used by traditional acupuncturists. Nevertheless, I am effective when using my method; I am always able to show patients the location of their blockages. My method of examination and diagnosis makes more sense than examining the pulse and tongue in the traditional way.
My diagnosis of sickness is different from TCM. TCM diagnosis is based on Chi blockages detected by the pulse and tongue and not physically felt. The TCM doctor needs a lot of experience and only then can locate the Chi imbalance. Either the mind or a physical blockage may cause the Chi blockage. In my system, each blockage must be physically felt when pressed. Different diseases have different blockages. It is easy to find and touch the blockage on the patientā€™s body.
In internal medicine, I believe all diseases involve a blockage which either causes the disease or makes the disease worse. This blockage relates to the Western autonomic which represents the Yin Chi. When the autonomic nerve is blocked or the brain is out of balance, sickness may result. To diagnose is to find and prove that there is a blockage; to heal is to open the blockage. The body may have one blockage or it may have many blockages. Each blockage can be related or be independent of each other. When we treat the body, we require the opening all of the blockages in the body, even if they are not related. Only when the body is without any blockage can it then be free.
NOTE:  TCM is Traditional Chinese Medicine nervous system. The sympathetic nerve controls the activity of the organ, which represents the Yang Chi. The parasympathetic nerve controls the inactivity of the organ, 

Tom Tam told us last night 11/30/2015 in the Tong Ren Healing Class in Quincy, MA to go http// and put in what it says just below and watch this cartoon with GREAT explanation of Quantum Physics. 

 "Tom added over and over throughout the Tong Ren Healing Class to STUDY. "


Tom further said:  "to GOOGLE:  Heisenberg,  Quantum Physics/Mechanics and STUDY"

I also do Consults regarding Acustone Sessions, Tong Ren, Tui Na, MMS Workshops, Webinars,Coconut Oil Pulling and Protection from Radiation which is what I use to PROTECT myself, my home and when I travel.  

There is a video of 11 minutes to view about the Rejuvenizer.  To view click on right margin on this page.

    and more in my FYI SECTION by searching at the top left of the front page of this BLOG.  Here is my contact info:
and Tong Ren Healing is for
TEXT me at:  617 335 9370
To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!
PLEASE NOTE:  you needn't speak ENGLISH to be on my Tong Ren Healing Conference Calls because
one only NEEDS to be able to dial the CC # of
712 432 3900 put in ID7501379# sign and MUTE the line pressing *1 
on your phone for any noise in your  background.
ALL my CC's are at 7am, 3pm and 5pm ET Zone are for ALL ISSUES of  HEALTH
Body, Mind and Spirit
They are an hour-ish long so
just sit with your feet on the floor with your hands on your lap with palms facing up 
 (if able) or lay down and
Tong Ren is Acupuncture WITHOUT NEEDLES using the Collective Unconscious and you can read about that to
GOOGLE:  Carl Jung
Call or Text me for a one on one session by phone, Skype via computer from any country using my email:  Skype is a FREE DOWNLOAD but for us to view each other, you must have a video cam.   
617 335 9370 USA and PR 
339 440 5492
 8am-8pm ET Zone.

for Sessions, Consults, or Purchase my Tong Ren Healing CD or MP3 File of the same for HANDS ON HEALING is $20 plus mailing if applicable, please click on the button below and in the space provided, please make a note DONATION.

went up $10 and price list is listed in the AD in the Tong Ren Symposium Booklet as stated below by 
 check out the this link above with all my prices and workshops and see all of us speakers and the write ups about each of us in this wonderful booklet for the Tong Ren Symposium that we all did back in April 2014.  

My personal AD is on the INSIDE COVER of the last page of booklet on my flyer with prices.
Thank you, Sandra!

CLICK ON the Pay Now BUTTON or go to: and put in my e-mail address
 to make the transaction by
credit or debit card of choice and then you can confirm
an appointment either by phone, SKYPE by my email of or in person with me and set up a time.

I am the 4th one down on the right.

is over but you can look at the
Tong Ren Booklet by 
 check out the this link and see all of us speakers and the write ups about each of us and my personal
AD on the INSIDE COVER of the last page of booklet.
Much info on this link of much of what I do including an excerpt 
youtube video of 4:33 minutes of me doing the presentation in Lombard, IL back in 2012 of MMS.
To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!

is very important to me and I walk the walk and talk the talk!  
"Be the Change you wish to see in the World"said Gandhi 
and I am doing that in my daily life and sharing the info with everyone who wish to listen.
I even carry an ounce bottle in my purse so that wherever I go during my day, I use my Nature Rich soap to wash my hands and 2 drops to brush my teeth so that
I never use any anti- bacterial products or those with ingredients that are cancer carcinogens that most places of business and homes still won't give up and they are so dangerous to our immune systems. 
It is no longer in print and can't find it anywhere so I scanned it for you to read and educate yourself. 

Rub a Dub Dub, is Cancer in your Tub! 
CLICK on link to view booklet:

It is a very awakening booklet that everyone should read and incorporate into their lives the knowledge within and if you haven't done so already, eliminate all these chemicals from your lives and your families and change their health by doing so. You will be glad that you did!

and read for yourself how injurious it is to every ones health. 
TRICLOSAN is the main ingredient in Anti-Bacterial products.
READ THE LABELS on those gel cleansing  hand cleaners and wipes, etc. and make sure there is NONE of the CHEMICALS listed in this  awakening booklet of
 Rub a Dub Dub, is Cancer in your Tub!
Call or text me at 617 335 9370 on my cell or email:, or at home at:  339 440 5492 8-8pm ET Zone or SKYPE me at:   

To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!

I was The Quest Speaker again
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Master Mineral Solution
Jim Humble - The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium
The Tong Ren Healing System
(PLEASE NOTE: that at the present time 07 15 2013 that I am only doing my 3 Conference Calls EVERY TUESDAY at
712 432 3900 ID7501379# and please MUTE your phone by *1 for any noise in your background and put on SPEAKER PHONE so you needn't hold the phone and everyone in the room including pets RECEIVES the HEALING TOO! which I have been doing now in my 11th year and volunteering at our Tong Ren Classes where and when I can.  Tong Ren Classes are on hold that I was doing unless I find one locally to do. 
 Thank you, Sandra)

If you are looking for ANSWERS/INFORMATION for different diseases or diagnosis besides what I SHARE on my FREE CONFERENCE CALLS of Tong Ren Healing EVERY Tuesday get in touch with me!

GOOGLE: to view more info of MMS with me.
MMS by Jim Humble the Master Mineral Solution and you will be pleasantly surprised with the informative VIDEOS with testimonies from real people who have experienced  diseases and diagnosis' and how MMS and the various Protocols have cured these issues, diseases or infections.  
I know this is true for it did so for me and that is why I became a D.MMS to compliment ALL that I do and have learned in my
Journey this Lifetime 
looking for ANSWERS for my son, Robbie.

I have also been a Guest Speaker 6 times on Dennis Richard's
WEEKLY Conference Calls to spread the word by speakers with methods that work so people can take charge of their own Health and Wellness by incorporating ALL the wonderful info and incorporating what resonates with each one listening.
 Host, Dennis Richard with me to share my Healing Modalities of Tong Ren which is Acupuncture WITHOUT Needles to open up blockages so the CHI flows and repairs.  CHI is the energy of life in a UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE for ALL to PARTICIPATE, THE BIO ELECTRICITY to open any blockages and promote repair of the CELLS and to share all the amazing information that I have come to know about on these calls.  

I am also a Doctor of MMS which purifies the water in the body to cleanse all the pathogens that are creating blockages/disease/health challenges.  

ALL  the calls are ARCHIVED at: scroll down to archived calls look for my name to listen to great info and also feel the healing CHI with me doing Tong Ren Therapy and talking all about MMS, why you shouldn't be using FLUORIDATION in any form, why you should be using Coconut Oil to cure Alzheimer's, foggy brain and neurological diseases, etc.  I hope you will enjoy the calls previously archived and you will have a chance to asks questions during this Tuesday's call or you may want to be on another of Dennis' weekly calls with various quests of Natural Healing and info to share.  If you miss any of the quest speakers on his calls, go to the archived ones.  His weekly CC is at 8:45pm ET, 7:45pm CT, 5:45pm PT, it will be archived the next day so you can go to  scroll down on the left of the page to archived calls and click on my name Sandra Schriefer and listen to the 3 previous calls of me being interviewed by Dennis with questions and answers during the calls or any of the past guests.  If that Time doesn't work for you, just listen another day at your leisure.
The Conference Call  for every Tuesday of Dennis Richard with quest speakers is to share info and modalities is
 712 432 3100 with access code 388191
To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!  
*****Dennis is no longer doing the conference calls but the recorded calls are still archived to listen to and RECEIVE the HEALING CHI of the Tong Ren that I did during each of Dennis' conference calls when I was his guest speaker.
Dennis is also a D.MMS

 The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium
 by Jim Humble

MMS is Master Mineral Solution for REINFORCING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM
in his latest book and guidepost to assist those on their journey back to health.  

 This book is available in paperback, hardcover, e-book and kindle format to purchase.  Jim Humble makes NO MONEY from the sales of MMS products, CD'S, DVD's and books.  ALL MONIES go to making more product of MMS to HEAL THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD IT and Jim has done much in 3rd world countries to date.  Please check out his website for more info on MMS to create
Chlorine dioxide is the name for MMS Water activated with Citric Acid Solution, one of the most effective killers of pathogens such as bacteria, molds, fungus, viruses, bio-film and other disease-causing microorganisms, which includes the vast majority diseases of mankind  Ref. (5) to overcome their suffering (and possible death) such as Malaria, a parasite, which has killed more people since the beginning of time then ALL THE WARS PUT TOGETHER,  HIV, Cancers and Diabetes, etc. 

Parents in the case of Autism, can have their chance to recover their children from Autism.   There are 128 children that Kerri Rivera has guided parents to RECOVER their own children of Autism including her own son, since 2010. Kerri believes that Autism is AVOIDABLE, TREATABLE and CURABLE!  You can GOOGLE Kerri Rivera for her wisdom and videos or go to: and if you have a child with Autism you can contact Kerri at:
MMS reinforces the Immune System to heal itself and it does not harm stomach and intestine useful microorganisms.  MMS is highly selective for pathogens that cause diseases in the body, and does not kill the various useful  flora of the stomach and intestines.  This is due to the unique properties of the chlorine dioxide molecule.  Please see several explanations given in the references. Ref. (8), (9) at and sign up for Jim's newsletter 

because it is
and Kerri Rivera CURED her own son, Patrick using the MMS PROTOCOLS and as of this date 1/26/16, helped other parents to REVERSE 200 CHILDREN
DR. ANDREAS KALCKER, Biophysicist and more using MMS Protocols along with Jim Humble and Kerri Rivera are working to educate those to RECOVER not just from Autism but ALL DISEASE and I AM working to get this message out for more HEALING of Body, Mind and Spirit. 

Please click and view and if it doesn't work just go to and put in 
Dr Andreas Kalcker and view AutismOne2014 
I PROMISE when you watch Rachael a beautiful 9 year old who tells her STORY of how she is a normal little girl thanks to MMS.
A MUST WATCH and once is not ENOUGH!

Andreas is an EXPERT on CAUSATION of  AUTISM!

    Dr. Andreas Kalcker at AutismOne 2014 ... - YouTube

    Jun 11, 2014 - Uploaded by Daniel Bender
    Successful Treatment of Autism Presentation by Dr. Andreas Kalcker at AutismOne Conference on May 24 ...This website will help you understand why MMS is so important for the health and wellness of the planet.  There are videos and webinars  you  can watch to help you greater understand how and why MMS works in the restoration of health and there is also the above named book of Jim Humble and also an e-book and a DVD called Understanding MMS with Jim to further answer any questions to educate yourself.  You can also go to one of Jimā€™s seminars all over the world with Jim Humble where you can go for a week to learn all about MMS and all the PROTOCOLS to restore health and become a Rev and Doctor of MMS as I did of The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing whose MISSION is CREATING A WORLD WITHOUT DISEASE. 

All that info is on Jimā€™s site and please sign up for his newsletter for the most frequent updates of PROTOCOLS and more.
Please note:  ALL THE PROTOCOLS ARE EVER CHANGING  as better ways are shared so signing up for Jimā€™s newsletter keeps everyone in the loop at: scroll to the bottom of the page.
Rev Sandra M Schriefer, D.MMS
For more info:  call me at 617 335 9370 USA and PR only please or 339 440 5492 ANYTIME, ET Zone 8-8pm and email:  SUBJECT LINE:  MMS 

MMS Call to Action #2 !
.Last Friday Jim Humle sent out a newsletter asking people to WATCH, COMMENT and SHARE the video called "LEAKED: Proof the Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases with MMS":
You folks did a great job, but weā€™ve only begun! 
If you havenā€™t done so, or need to read the newsletter, hereā€™s a link:
We now need to encourage other respected voices out there to cover the story if they havenā€™t already. 

ā€¢ Malignant Melanoma MMS Video Testimonial
Dan Bender recently caught up with Mark ā€œThailandā€ and recorded his complete testimonial which is virtually unedited so as to be complete and authentic about what he did with MMS to save his own life.
This is not a one minute sound-bite, but rather an enlightening 40 minute narrative worth watching. Please pass it on to your friends and especially any ā€œDoubting Thomasā€ you may know. Might wake up a fewā€¦
Hereā€™s the video testimony link:

Please do a google search of: Andreas Kalcher MMS/CDS 
and view the possibilities in English, Spanish, German and I believe in most languages now on video with a scroll down to whatever language you are looking for and share the info.
I order all my MMS products from: 

Tropical Traditions Weekly Sales

Tropical Traditions Weekly Sales

To ORDER or for INFO, please CLICK on one of the Weekly Sales or click on Tropical Traditions Weekly Sales to their website or call 866 311 2626 and press 2 for Customer Service and give my name.  Thank you
I have added yet another brand of Coconut Oil which I heard about on the conference call that I did on January 22nd that someone on the call introduced to me. I ordered some to try last week. It is more expensive but I understand that the QUALITY of this Coconut Oil from the Philippines is WONDERFUL so I ordered it for myself and this company also has other products for skin, hair, soaps, teeth cleaner, etc. WITHOUT CHEMICALS.  I love to share what I learn and experience for that is our LIFE'S BEST TEACHER.

Please click on the above LINK or call them at:  866 311 2626 and press 2 for CS and give them my name.  Thank you!  Sandra Schriefer
NATURALLY PROCESSED COCONUT OIL and shipped out of NV, USA coming from the Philippines
 When I placed my first order last, there was a sale of 2 for 1 and they also gave me a bonus of an amazing book, Second Edition of Virgin COCONUT OIL with testimonies that no longer have health issues or have improved, lost weight, helped their Diabetes, IBS, Crohn's Disease, digestive issues, Alzheimer's, cholesterol, etc. and there are recipes too for a healthier you. 
I BELIEVE that if you are currently using coconut oil, of whatever brand, you might want to order a jar of Tropical Traditions to not only try it, but also to get this amazing book if you don't have it already or try their CHEMICAL FREE products. 

I  got lip moisturizer in cinnamon/peppermint, love it.
My lips are in the best shape ever!
I am excited to bring this info to light about Coconut Oil Pulling for ALL HEALTH ISSUES and also adding it to your diet for INTERNAL CLEANSING which seems to work on ALL NEUROLOGICAL and ALL HEALTH ISSUES. Coconut Oil is great for the skin, hair, weight loss, cholesterol, natural teeth whitener, removes plaque,  a natural sun screen, etc.  to name a few and for your PET TOO!  Very inexpensive to use with eliminating the products with chemicals which are cumulative.
 Tropical Traditions  has products for personal health WITHOUT CHEMICALS. YEAH! TRY IT, YOU JUST MIGHT LOVE IT, LIKE ME and I do Coconut Oil Pulling EVERY morning as my feet hit the floor BEFORE I BRUSH MY TEETH and EVERY night before I brush my teeth for bed. It has changed the quality of my life and of those who have ventured to TRY IT too.
Give it a month's try with diligence doing the oil pulling and ingesting A TABLESPOON TWICE A DAY and see and feel the difference for yourself.  I add it too my oatmeal in the a.m. and use only coconut oil for all my uses and occasionally I use butter.  I like the tastes and the way that it has created wonderful change in my life.  Make sure you watch the videos ob Dr Mary Newport's website below to view her interview of how she healed her husband Steve of Alzheimer's.  WORTH THE WATCH!

 Use it in your cooking, cookies, recipes, on toast, veggies, etc. as I do. 

The MCT oil within the coconut oil goes to the Mitochondria of the cell (the bio electricity which creates healing) and it also has Lauric Acid which is why MOTHER'S MILK and breast feeding is so important for the NATURAL ANTIBODIES received by the infant!
 Quality with Quantity of LIFE is what it is ALL ABOUT!


How Dr Mary Newport Reversed Her

Husband's Alzheimer's Disease in 37 Days

New breakthrough improves memory. restores lost brain function and even revives dying cells!
by Frank Shallenberger, MD
If youā€™ve ever known anyone with Alzheimerā€™s disease, you know how heart-breaking it can be. Not only does it destroy a personā€™s mental abilities and dignity ā€¦ but it wipes out the personā€™s very personality, leaving behind a mere shell of a human being. The body is there for you to see, but the person you know and love no longer exists.
Thatā€™s exactly what happened to my colleague Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve. As Mary describes it, ā€œI was watching my husband of 36 years fade away.ā€
Things didnā€™t start out that way, of course. For most of Steveā€™s life, he was known for his quick wit and sharp mind. He could do complicated math in his head ā€¦ take apart computers and repair them ā€¦ fix practically anything else without instruction. If he didnā€™t have a tool to do something he would ā€œinventā€ one and make a usable prototype. He was also a voracious reader. And he loved kayaking, cooking, landscaping, and caring for his two daughters.
Indeed, on the day the couplesā€™ first daughter was born, Steve left his corporate job as an accountant so he could work from home. He took over as manager of Maryā€™s medical practice, handing all the accounting and administrative tasks. The practice grew by leaps and bounds.
Tragedy Strikes
But then Steveā€™s memory started failing him. At first, it was little things, like misplacing his keys and forgetting appointments. But then the lapses became more serious. He started making errors with the accounting and payroll. Forgetting whether had had made the bank deposits. Missing tax deadlines.
A psychiatrist diagnosed him as having depression, and put him on antidepressant drugs and psychological counseling. But of course, that didnā€™t help. Steveā€™s memory continued to get worse. He started getting lost while trying to drive home. He couldnā€™t even remember how to turn on the carā€™s windshield wiper.
By now it was clear that Steve had dementia. Mary wrote in her journal: ā€œIt has been a nightmare to watch his decline. Every night, we hold each other before we go to sleep and I wonder how many more times we will get to do this.ā€
Mary took Steve to a neurologist, who put him on the drugs Aricept, Namenda, and Exelon. But still, Steve continued to worsen. Heā€™d spend his days walking around the house confused, wearing only one shoe. He couldnā€™t remember how to use a spoon or how to get water out of the refrigerator. At a family reunion, he no longer recognized close relatives. He even forgot that he had fathered his oldest daughter.
Mary did everything she could for Steve. She cooked for him, gave him his medications, helped him get dressed.
She also tried to enroll him in studies on new experimental drugs. But Steve scored so low on the mental exam that he didnā€™t qualify for the studies.
When Steve took the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSR), he scored a 14 out of 30, which indicates severe dementia. And when he took a test where he was asked to draw a clock from memory, this is what he drew:
And thatā€™s not all. When Steve took a genetic test for Alzheimerā€™s, he tested positive for the leading Alzheimerā€™s gene. And when he had an MRI of his brain, the MRI found a shrinking of the hippocampus and damage to his frontal and parietal lobes.
Still, there were brief moments when the old Steve would make a brief appearance. Sometimes heā€™d be able to hold a coherent conversation. Sometimes, he would even say something clever or crack a joke. One day, Mary asked if a certain phone call came and he said ā€œno.ā€ Two days later, he remembered the call and what the caller said.
In Maryā€™s words, it was ā€œStrange to have no short-term memory and yet the information was filed somewhere in his brain. I knew he was locked up in there somewhere, if only there was a key to open up the areas of his brain that he didnā€™t have access to.ā€
Little did Mary know that she would soon find that very key.
One day, Mary came across research on an experimental drug called Ketasyn. She learned that in a study of Alzheimerā€™s patients, this drug brought about improvement in half the people who took it.
Mary was astonished by these findings. As she put it, ā€œMost drugs talk about slowing the progression of the disease, but you never hear the word ā€˜improvement.ā€™ Right then I knew I had to find out more.ā€
Mary did research on the internet and came across a patent application for the drug. The application included a description of how the drug works and a list of the drugā€™s ingredients. Much to Maryā€™s surprise, the main ingredient of the drug was medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), derived from coconuts.
Could the solution to Alzheimerā€™s be as simple as taking MCT oils? Mary decided she had nothing to lose. She went to the health food store and bought some coconut oil. The next morning, she mixed it in Steveā€™s oatmeal and fed it to him. She then drove him to an appointment where he was scheduled to re-take the MMSR exam.
As soon as they got to the appointment, Steve was whisked away to the exam room. When he came back, Steve told Mary that he was unhappy with his performance. So Mary pulled aside the research coordinator and asked how Steve did. The coordinator looked at Mary and said ā€œDidnā€™t he tell you? He scored an 18!ā€
The last time Steve had taken the test, heā€™d scored a 14 out of 30. Yet here he was scoring an 18. Thatā€™s an improvement of 28%.
But thatā€™s not all. Within a few days, Steve told Mary that he felt the ā€œlight switch came back onā€ and the ā€œfog lifted.ā€ Could this dramatic improvement be due to the coconut oil?
Amazingly, the answer is ā€œyes.ā€ And hereā€™s why ā€¦
How It Works
Coconut oil and other MCTs increase your bodyā€™s production of compounds called ketones. You may have heard of ketones if youā€™ve ever been on the Atkins diet. Quite simply, ketones are compounds that are created when body fat is broken down for energy.
When your body is starved of carbs, it starts burning your fat stores to create energy. Thatā€™s why people on low-carb diets lose weight. Itā€™s also why people on low-carb diets produce more ketones.
Why is this important? Well, it turns out that ketones are a powerful fuel for the brain. Especially when the brain is injured or impaired.
For example, scientists have known for years that one of the best ways to stop seizures is to put a patient on a low-carb, high-fat diet. Normally, brain cells prefer to get their fuel from glucose. But impaired brain cells, such as cells that are causing seizures, cannot metabolize glucose well. They need another source of fuel. And that source is ketones.
Mary didnā€™t know this at the time, but there are over 20 different studies on the effect of ketones on the brain. These studies are published in obscure journals that most doctors donā€™t read. Nonetheless, the findings of the studies are important:
ā€¢ One study found that when the brain uses ketones, it produces 25% more energy than when it uses glucose.
ā€¢ Another study found that a ketone-producing diet results in a 39% increase in blood flow to the brain.
ā€¢ And still another study found that mice put on a ketone-producing diet had fewer brain plaques than mice fed a standard diet.
Iā€™ve been researching ketones for years, and Iā€™ve been using them in my own medical practice. Whenever I put my Alzhiemer patients on a ketone-producing diet, they always improve. However, the improvement is usually modest.
It wasnā€™t until I spoke to Mary that I realized I could get a much stronger effect by giving my patients MCT oils. You see, it turns out that when you add MCT oils to a low-carb diet, the body is absolutely flooded with ketones. This results in an amazing improvement in brain function.
Back to our story ...
Mary continued to feed Steve coconut oil, and he continued to improve. Two weeks after Steve began taking coconut oil, Mary asked him to draw another clock. This is what he drew:
 Sorry, the clocks didnā€™t get picked up when I scanned this article but just know that the first clock didnā€™t resemble a clock and each one thereafter improved until it actually looked like a clock. 
And about three weeks after that (on Day 37), she asked him to draw a clock again. 
  This clock looked like a real clock. 
But thatā€™s not all. Just two months after Steve began taking coconut oil, Mary wrote the following:
ā€œIt has been 60 days since he started taking coconut oil. He walks into the kitchen every morning alert and happy, talkative, making jokes. His gait (his ability to walk with coordination) is still a little weird. His tremor is no longer very noticeable. He is able to concentrate on things that he wants to do around the house and in the yard and stay on task, whereas before coconut oil he was easily distracted and rarely accomplished anything unless I supervised him directly.ā€
I spoke to Dr. Mary Newport just recently. Not only is Steveā€™s gait totally back to normal, but he now jogs daily! His tremor is completely gone. And he has also gone back to being an avid reader. He recently relayed the details of two articles he read in Scientific American.
His memory is also dramatically improved. He often brings up events that happened days or weeks earlier.
He recognizes his relatives again and has conversations with them. He is back to doing the yard work at the house. And he has started doing volunteer work at the local hospital.
Mary and I are convinced that these changes are due to the coconut oil. Why? Because any time Steve misses a dose, his Alzheimerā€™s symptoms immediately start to return.
According to Mary, Steve missed getting his morning oil on two occasions: once because he had a fasting blood test and the other time because he was travelling. In both instances, he became dazed and confused, with full-blown tremors. And in both instances, he got back to normal after taking the coconut oil.

Can coconut oil work for you or a loved one? The odds are good that it can. Not everyone will benefit to the same degree that Steve did. But I will tell you this: In my experience there will always be some degree of improvement.

Thatā€™s why I want to send you a new special report I wrote. The report is called How to Reverse Alzheimerā€™s Disease. And it gives you complete instructions on how to use MCT oils to treat Alzheimerā€™s Disease and other brain illnesses.
 Youā€™ll find out what types of oil work best, how much to take, and in what combination. Youā€™ll find out how to monitor your ketone levels using a simple do-it yourself test you can do at home. And youā€™ll learn about how MCT oils can be used to treat neurological diseases like Parkinsonā€™s, Huntingtonā€™s, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrigā€™s disease, and more.

The information in this report is priceless. But you can get a copy of the report absolutely free. How? By trying a no-risk trial subscription to my new health advisory, REAL CURES.
This is ALL on videos interviewing Dr Mary Newport and her husband Steve at:

on Dr Mary Newport's Website

*****I AM very SAD :-( to tell you that the FDA CLOSED DOWN this AMAZING COMPANY with AMAZING AFFORDABLE PRODUCTS that WORK by Maxam Labs


I will pray for those involved in this shut down and total destruction of their products which WORK to help us to HEAL. It appears that the FDA and the powers that be are solely interested in creating DISEASE for PROFIT.
I send HEALING to those whose greed and power is ALL THAT MATTERS.
I shall Ho' opo no pono this WORLD for the HIGHEST and BEST to be in POWER for MANKIND'S GREATER GOOD always coming FIRST!
NEW ADDITION to rid the body of
 HEAVY METALS and more!
Link For Maxam Labs Home Page 

Please put my name as referred you to this amazing product if you purchase online or if you call to order at:  
800 800 9119 please also give my name as referred by, Sandra Schriefer when you order by phone. 
is a COLLOIDAL DIETARY SUPPLEMENT  which is a spray under the tongue, (sublingually) with no taste
which I took way back in early 2000's and it worked for me.  I originally purchased it through a Chiropractor that I had a session with in Sedona, AZ.  The subject came up regarding all my fillings and I was excited to try this product back then because I didn't have the money to have the fillings removed and replaced which in my opinion would have been the ideal situation so I tried the next best thing this PCA COLLOIDAL DIETARY SUPPLEMENT
 I know it worked because when I needed two fillings replaced, I went to a Holistic Dentist who checked every filling in my mouth and was amazed at the low counts/levels as his machine measured each filling.
After he did the third hmmm, I said what is the hmmm for and he said he didn't understand why my counts were so low. I told him about the product of PCA that I took and he was impressed.
I never thought any more about it until an email came through which mentioned that Autistic children have mercury poisoning and the bell went off and I searched for that empty bottle which I knew I saved.
  I recently got reconnected with the company who makes this amazing product and I recommend you try it.  
I am sure with our environment and what I have learned about fish, etc. that it would be a great product to revisit so I just started July 12 14 and noticing change.  
I only recommend what I know is so because I take it or have taken it and it works.  
Feel Free to call me 617 335 9370 cell
or  339 440 5492 at home
with questions or call the company directly with the # above.  They have a wealth of info and products to educate you on and visit their website above and read for yourself.  
Thank you, Sandra :-)

Testimony regarding PCA
from one on my peers who also became a D.MMS with me and of course I shared my story about taking this product again and it removes heavy metals with Autistic Children and knew she would be interested in this PCA and this was her reply.

Hi Sandra,
 I wanted to share my experience with you about the PCA.  The first time I was introduced to the PCA it was almost 4 years ago. I used it with my daughter (3 years old back then) to detox her. She was almost nonverbal and had a lot of behavior and emotional problems. Just after the few days she came to me a said clearly one morning: Good morning mommy! It was the first time she said that beautiful sentence to me and also her behavior changed dramatically.
 I totally love this product, I use it in my practice all the time and I find it even more efficient when I use also the probiotics. Kids love it because it has no taste and is very easy to use it.
 Can't wait to hear all your clients success stories!!!  
 Love, Annie

My Testimony regarding my son, Robbie who has a terminal diagnosis and now in the Leonard Florence Center for Living in Chelsea because we our family are no longer capable to care for his needs nor the money to do so.  Robbie had terrible muscle spasms even though they gave him a drug (which is poison in my book) which didn't work and these spasms made the velcro straps that hold his feet on his wheelchair footies pop off and his legs would flip over the sides of his chair.  At the end of July, I started to sneek PCA and 2 other products of MAXAM LABS products collectively under Robbie's tongue sublingually which he didn't mind at all because they have no taste. I had to sneek them to see how they worked and when they did work, the nursing home refused to give them to Robbie because they weren't a DRUG and FDA approved and the nursing staff can only administer drugs/medications and NOT HEALTHY NATURAL PRODUCTS for QUALITY and QUANTITY of LIFE.  FUNNY how our systems works and most people are on some kind of drug or another. 
I AM NOT ON ANY DRUGS and what I gave my son worked and his spasms ceased and the staff noticed all including his terrible dandruff in his hair and eyebrows went away thanks to this company which our government closed down.  What a sin to have a government and judicial system that let down the little people for money, power and control because they can and do and took away our FREEDOM of CHOICE.  It is the little people who built this country and we should have a VOICE!!!
Our government should be working for the GREATEST GOOD of all of us and clean up our planet instead of poisoning our children and us and if it doesn't stop the statistics say that 1/2 our children by the year 2025 will be AUTISTIC. It appears they CARE LITTLE or NOT for our HEALTH and WELL BEING or they wouldn't close down companies who make a difference yet they allow pesticides, gmo's to create a bigger harvest and harmful  drugs and vaccines that kill people and compromise our immune systems and cause disease, autism, neurological diseases and even death.  Their planes spray chem-trails in our sky which is injurious, bio technology companies have poisoned us and yet close down companies that heal and use NATURAL CHEMICAL FREE products to PROMOTE WELLNESS!