Your thyroid is one of your body's most important glands. When your thyroid doesn't work properly, it can cause you to feel nervous or tired; make your muscles weak; cause weight gain or loss; impair your memory; and affect your menstrual flow. A thyroid disorder can also cause miscarriage and infertility.
Hypothyroidism: When too little TH is released, the body's metabolic rate decreases, and the body slows down. Hypothyroidism often goes undiagnosed because its symptoms are often mistaken for or attributed to other conditions. Symptoms include: fatigue, depression, low body temperature, weight gain, dry or itchy skin, thin, dry hair/hair loss, puffy face, hands and feet, decreased taste and smell, slow heart rate, constipation, poor memory, trouble with concentration, hoarseness/husky voice, irregular or heavy menstruation, muscle aches, infertility, high cholesterol, goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
Hypothyroidism can occur spontaneously, develop during or after pregnancy or after treatment for hyperthyroidism. You can be born with it or it can be caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the leading cause of hypothyroidism.
Named for the Japanese health care professional who first described it in detail, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. That means the immune system attacks the body's healthy tissues instead of fighting off invading bacteria or viruses. In this case, the immune system produces antibodies to attack the thyroid gland as if it were a foreign substance that needed to be destroyed. The resulting damage leads to reduced production of TH.
Hyperthyroidism: When too much TH is released, the body's metabolic rate increases, and your metabolism speeds up. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include: nervousness/irritability, weight loss, fast/irregular heart rate, heat intolerance/increased perspiration, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances (such as insomnia), muscle weakness, trembling hands, more frequent bowel movements, shorter and scantier menstrual flow, exophthalmos (bulging eyes), goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
FOR MORE INFO: please visit The National Women's Health Resource Center at:
WHILE ON A CRUISE ABOARD THE CELEBRITY GALAXY from February 23 to March 5, 07, I had the pleasure of working on Helene who has BELLS PALSY. She saw me and my friend doing TONG REN and asked what we were doing. I told her ACUPUNCTURE without needles, actually BEYOND ACUPUNCTURE Tom calls it. Before she came over to us, her husband Marty who was sitting next to me and Sandy asked if this would help his wife with her Bells Palsy and I said that I believe that it would and I no sooner said the words and Helene was in front of me asking me what we were doing. Helene explained that she was in the 5% that would never recover from this challenge and was diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago. Helene also said that she had been having Acupuncture these past 3 1/2 years sometimes three times per week and it did help some but she didn't stay stable and recover. I told her that all she had to do was say YES and she did so you can see from the photos below the before and after one that over the next few days big changes happened for her. By the time we left the ship both eyes were blinking at the same time and Helene could smile for the first time in 3 1/2 years. The first photo in black and white Helene sent me along with a thank you note and the second one is the photo that I took 3 days later before we left the ship. Needless to say, over the course of the 3 days she changed dramatically. She was thrilled! Her family noticed immediately when they came to visit upon her return. Thank you Tom for this amazing TONG REN that assists those who say YES!
Helene sent me the black and white before photo of herself with a thank you for giving her back her face before Bells Palsy happened so that I would have a before photo to go along with the one that I took before we left the ship. She was very happy!
I do believe that there are other reasons responsible for all these neurological diseases, cancer, heart disease, and other health challenges happening to our newborns, young children and seniors alike, all ages as I explained to Helene that I believe to have quality of life, we all need to do prevention from EMF'S/RADIATION which is cumulative as is lead paint, asbestos, and cigarette smoke. You can check that out above in the REJUVENIZER SECTION or go directly to: WWW.THEREJUVENIZER.COM for more info or call me directly 781-233-8714. Please leave the best time to reach you and your time zone. To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!
Helene's face went back to BELLS PALSY 5 times over the next 8 months. I did 5 individual phone sessions with her and each time with TONG REN and brought her face back to as normal as you see it in the color photo.
*****FINALLY, I GOT A CALL FROM HELENE in November '07. She said that her face had gone back to the black and white photo with the Bells Palsy and had been that way for 3 weeks. She had Acupuncture for a two hour session in the state where she lives and it didn't make a difference. She FINALLY AFTER 8 MONTHS ordered her own PERSONAL REJUVENIZER for herself and her husband. Also, she purchased a Circuit Rejuvenizer for her breaker box at home. Well! Helene's PERSONAL REJUVENIZER came on a Thursday but she didn't call me until the following Monday with a message to call her. When I called back that evening, she explained the entire story and that The REJUVENIZER came last Thursday and she put it around her neck and took a 2 hour nap. When she awakened, her face had transformed back to the color photo that she loved to look at. I asked her why she hadn't called me 3 weeks prior when her face was not good so that I could get it back with TONG REN, long distance healing and she exclaimed that she was too depressed. Depressed enough to finally order her own PERSONAL REJUVENIZER. Helene said not only did my face come back Sandra, we have a Grandfather Clock that has never kept time and since she put the Circuit Rejuvenizer on her breaker box, it keeps PERFECT TIME. GO FIGURE! She and I were so happy for her victory.
I hope you too will purchase your own PERSONAL REJUVENIZER and enjoy our FAMILY of REJUVENIZERS and reap the benefits.
To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!

Spiritual journey on the waterBy Gillian R. Swart/
About 30 passengers set sail last Saturday on a two-hour tour in the waters off Plum Island. The weather did not get rough and the tiny ship was not... [more see below]Describe all your ailments! Sandra Schriefer demonstrates Tong Ren Healing during the trip. (Gillian R. Swart photo)
*TONG REN HEALING PHONE SESSIONS AVAILABLE CALL SANDRA at: 617 335 9370 USA and PR or 339 440 5492 8am-9pm or and same email for SKYPE SESSIONS
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Spiritual journey on the water By Gillian R. Swart/ newburyport@cnc.comFriday, July 21, 2006 - Updated: 10:35 AM ESTAbout 30 passengers set sail last Saturday on a two-hour tour in the waters off Plum Island. The weather did not get rough and the tiny ship was not tossed - actually, it was a 48-foot catamaran. Needless to say, there was also no uncharted desert isle involved.
"Set sail with spirit" is the title of a class that is held by Unity on the River Saturday mornings for at least the next
few weeks. Calling it a "class" may be too much, though. Members of Amesbury church pray, chat, and meditate while theNinth Wave glides harmoniously over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Or bobs around off Salisbury beach because there is no wind - whatever, the spirit is the same.
"I am the ocean, and I am the sea. I am the spirit, and the spirit is me. Everything opens when I open me." Self-proclaimed "chant goddess" Stephanie Roy led into a period of 10 minutes of (mostly) silence with this chant. It kind of stifles the spirit when a cell phone goes off, but that was only a momentary diversion.
Charles and Myrtle Fillmore founded the Unity church in 1888, in Kansas City. Shipley Allinson founded Unity on the River in 1997, in Newburyport. At the time, Allinson owned a macrobiotic restaurant in the Port called The Rising Sun.
"It was a spiritual community," she says. The community started as a study group in 1994, after Allinson spent five years working with a Unity teacher. "The first time I went to one of her classes, I knew I wanted to do that." Allinson attended Unity school in Missouri and became a Unity minister. The study group evolved from a group of four meeting in Allinson’s home into full-blown services in early 1997. The congregation’s first meeting place was in the basement of the Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank. Its first name was Unity of Greater Newburyport. The group later moved to the Masonic Temple for about a year, then found its present home on the Powow River in Amesbury. Hence the name, Unity on the River.
Allinson says she had a dream about the church being connected to the YMCA, which was then located on State Street. "I saw us in that building," she says. The old building burned down on July 15, 1987 - coincidentally, on Allinson’s birthday.
But July 15 was the very date on which the church moved into its home on the Powow, and Allinson saw there was a YMCA in the same plaza. Last Saturday, July 15, was the church’s ninth anniversary.
Not only a restaurateur, she also painted pottery for Paula Estey Designs, worked in home health care, and made outfits for competitive figure skaters, while looking for a career with that spiritual community. Part of the purpose of the inspired setting aboard the Ninth Wave is to deepen understanding of diverse spiritual practices. Sandra Schriefer provided a spiritual practice on board -- she gave demonstrations of Tong Ren Healing.The inspiration for the setting came to Jane Thompson-Renzi when she was in church. She is the marketing director for Ninth Wave. "Part of what Jonathan [Van Campen] hired me to do was to do targeted outreach," she said. "It came to me that it would be a wonderful fit." She brought the two sides of her life together, and also gives others the opportunity to commune with our coastal home.
Van Campen says his relationship with the church is a perfect tie-in with his ideals for his charter business. "We try to be sensitive to the environment as much as possible," he says. It is also very family-oriented (both his mother and father worked on the boat while it was being built).
Family is also an important focus at Unity on the River. Robin Clark, full-time director of education and family ministries, says they incorporate the spirituality into all facets of educational programs.
"We are primarily a teaching ministry, so spiritual enrichment classes are a core feature of our ministry," she said. Clark feels she got a jump-start on life because she was born into the Unity Church, in the spring, like a robin. Her mother put her in a Moses basket and on the altar at church every day during Lenten services, the former resident of Chicago says. "That explains why she has an inordinate desire for Easter eggs and Easter bunnies!" Roy exclaimed.
Later in the day, Unity on the River celebrated its ninth year further with a concert by Brooklyn native Nicole Nelson and her band. The church, everyone who goes there will tell you, is all about celebration.
Cheryl Richardson, author of several best sellers, including her latest "The Unmistakable Touch of Grace," will speak at Unity on the River on Sunday, July 23. Richardson, a local resident, is a professional coach and speaker on practical lifestyle tools and has appeared on the Good Morning America and The Oprah Winfrey Show.
"Her philosophy of thinking is very much aligned with Unity’s thinking," Allinson says.
TheNinth Wave is the first commercial sailing vessel to be built in Newburyport in 100 years. It was constructed by Merrimac native Van Campen and two captains in a shop at the Windward Yacht Club and assembled at Merri-Mar Yacht Basin. Van Campen’s early enthusiasm for boat building carried him to an apprenticeship at Lowell’s Boat Shop, which he credits for starting his career.Ninth Wave departs from the commercial wharf in Newburyport. He views his vessel as a large classroom that is also gentle on the environment. The catamaran holds 48 or 49 passengers, depending on how many crew are on board.
"It’s an absolutely terrific trip," Thompson-Renzi says. People who want to join the church on their spiritual tours need not participate in the prayers, members say, just respect them.
The skipper and the mate also welcome everyone aboard - no need to be a professor or a millionaire. Sequined evening gowns are optional.