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Thank you!
Here is my personal testimony, This is what I have been experiencing over the last 6 years at least!!!. PLEASE READ THE INFO IN THIS EMAIL!!I was told by doctors… that I had cronical bronchitis. I really did not believe that… I can honestly say that I always knew, I would heal myself, and would find an answer.
I have done so many parasites and colon cleanses, with NO REAL RESULTS TILL NOW!
I would cough every morning like someone that was 80 years old, and had smoked forever! With a tightness in my chest and discomfort in my lungs, who would have thought … PARASITES!
With highest regards to Dr. Bill Miller for his formulation of the HOLY TEA!...
I Have been drinking this tea since September 6th.. /07… and about 3 weeks ago ALL MY SYMPTOMS… IN MY LUNGS ARE GONE… AFTER THE 3RD DAY ON THE TEA… THE PHOTO IN THIS E- MAIL IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAW, in the toilet.
Please tell anyone you care about to start drinking this tea, as we all have many unwanted parasites in our bodies which are always miss diagnosed everyday… as allergies to wheat, dairy etc!…. And the list goes on… allow the tea to detox your blood, and vital organs, and let your body heal itself.
This tea will work for EVERYONE…. WE ALL NEED IT… we all drink something everyday… why not make it holy tea.? This is pleasant tasting and so easy, no fasting, don’t change anything just drink the tea and cleanse your total body, organs, cells, and blood and most of all our colon.. WHERE HEALTH BEGINS AND DISEASE STARTS…… Sandra 617 335 9370 USA & PR only please or 339 440 5492 Call me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and check out my website of: To join the Holy Tea Club at: www.wholewellnessclub.net/energyworker for monthly auto ship for the best price.
To your Health and Wellness by Sandra!

(Ascaris Lumbricoides and Ascaris Suum)
Ascaris are parasitic worms in the intestines of various terrestrial animals, chiefly herbivores. They are typically large worms characterized by a mouth surrounded by three lips. The species Ascaris lumbricoides is probably the most familiar parasite in humans. An almost identical worm, often called A. Suum, occurs in pigs.
The intestinal roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infection in humans follows the ingestion of Ascaris eggs that have contaminated foods or soil. In the small intestine the larvae are liberated and migrate through the intestinal wall, reaching the lungs, where they may produce a host sensitization that results in lung inflammation and fluid retention. About 10 days later, the larvae pass from the respiratory passages into the digestive tract and mature into egg-producing worms, which grow to some 15 to 40 cm (6 to 16 inches) in length, in the small intestine. Serious, even fatal, complications of ascariasis result from the infiltration of the larvae into sensitive tissues, such as the brain, and from the migration of the adult worms into various body structures where they produce abcesses and toxic manifestations.
Ascariasis exists worldwide and is believed to affect some 660 million persons.

Life Cycle Diagram (Courtesy of the DPD)
Adult worms live in the lumen of the small intestine. A female may produce up to 240,000 eggs per day, which are passed with the feces . Fertile eggs embryonate and become infective after 18 days to several weeks , depending on the environmental conditions (optimum: moist, warm, shaded soil). After infective eggs are swallowed , the larvae hatch , invade the intestinal mucosa, and are carried via the portal, then systemic circulation to the lungs . The larvae mature further in the lungs (10 to 14 days), penetrate the alveolar walls, ascend the bronchial tree to the throat, and are swallowed . Upon reaching the small intestine, they develop into adult worms . Between 2 and 3 months are required from ingestion of the infective eggs to oviposition by the adult female. Adult worms can live 1 to 2 years

HOLY TEA by Dr. Miller for : *Weight Loss
*Detoxifies: Chemicals, Parasites, Bacteria and Toxins
*Stomach Distress: Constipation, Indigestion, Acid Reflux and Bloating
*INGREDIENTS: Persimmon Leaves, Malva Leaves, Holy Thistle, Mallow and Blessed Thistle
To purchase or sign up for the Holy Tea Club with auto ship for the best price, please go to: www.wholewellnessclub.net/energyworker
Holy tea instructions: (This is the way I make my tea)Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Shut off burner and wait 4 minutes before you put the bag or bags in the water,(DO NOT PUT TEA IN BOILING WATER). Put 2 tea bags in the water and cover and let steep over night or all day. If made in the evening leave overnight, if made in the morning, leave until you go to bed. Squeeze out tea bags and put tea in a glass jar and refrigerate. I bought a Mason jar that they do preserving in for $1.00 at the Christman Tree Shop and it holds exactly 32 ozs. Save the bags and put on the counter to dry out and then you can sprinkle the dried HOLY TEA on to your food and get every bit of the benefits. Nothing goes to waste with the Holy Tea. Then refrigerate the brewed tea. Drink the Holy Tea with breakfast and supper. Add 1/2 to 1 oz. of tea concentrate into a cup and add hot (not boiling) water to total 8 ozs. and drink with your meal. Nothing goes to waste with this product. Sprinkle the dry tea on food, give it to your pets mix it in your drinks and anything else you can think of. The Holy Tea ingredients are a special blend of high-quality, organic, pesticide-free, safe, natural, edible herbs. Here is the list of Holy Tea herbs: Holy Thistle, Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Marsh Mallow leaves, and Blessed Thistle.It is the special enzymes that allow the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. All the enzymes that used to give us colon health have been destroyed with modern processing of foods and pasteurization of dairy products. Now we can get back to enjoying perfect colon health!
Holy Thistle (Silybum marianum) supports the liver in the release of toxins. Holy thistle has been used medicinally for over 2000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver disorders such as jaundice, and gallbladder disorders; but also for lactation problems, disorders of the spleen, psoriasis, and mushroom poisoning. It has recently been used by HIV-positive patients to protect the liver from diseases such as hepatitis and damage from the drugs taken for HIV or AIDS. A flavanoid in the fruit called Silymarin (with its most active beneficial component called Silibinin or Silybin) is a powerful antioxidant, and may also protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from the liver cells. Silymarin has also been shown to regenerate injured liver cells. It stimulates liver and gallbladder activity and may have a temporary mild laxative effect in some people. Holy Thistle products are popular in Europe and the United States for various types of liver disease, being able to counteract the harmful actions of alcohol on the liver (cirrhosis), and helping the liver return to a healthy state when an alcoholic stops drinking. Some clinical trials indicate that it may improve quality of life and even increase life expectancy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. Holy Thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and is such a good blood purifier that drinking a cup of Holy Thistle tea twice a day can cure chronic headaches. It is also used for stomach and digestive problems, gas in the intestines, and constipation relief. It is very effective for dropsy, strengthens the heart, and is good for the liver, lungs, and kidneys. It was claimed that warm Holy Thistle tea given to mothers will produce a good supply of milk, which led to this thistle being called by another name: Milk Thistle. Holy Thistle is also said to be good for girls entering womanhood, as a good tonic. The leaves and stems are eaten as a salad green in Europe. Persimmon Leaf (Diospyros kaki) originated in China and has been grown for over 1000 years in Japan, which is the leading producer today. A similar variety of the Persimmon fruit (Diospyros virginiana) grows in the Eastern USA and is called Pawdad. The tannins and flavonoids in Persimmon leaves have anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic properties. The leaf also acts as a mild laxative, is antihemorrhagic (stops bleeding), is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, and strengthens weak blood vessels such as spider veins or varicose veins. Persimmon leaf extract and its major flavonoid constituent, astragalin, when taken orally, acts as a natural antihistamine which inhibits the release of histamine and thus helps reduce allergic reactions. It relieves the symptoms of dermatitis, with less inflammation and thickening of the skin, and less water loss which can lead to dry skin. It may also act as a dermatitis preventive. An allergy preventive food or an itching preventive food which contains Persimmon leaves, or an extract of Persimmon leaf, or a cosmetic composition containing Persimmon leaf extract, has the action of improving rough skin conditions due to allergies, or alleviating itching. The astringent raw Persimmon fruit is used for constipation relief, gastro-intestinal irritation, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, ulceration of the bowel and stomach, catarrh of the rectum and colon, hemorrhoids, and to stop bleeding. Studies have shown that compounds in Persimmon leaves bind to excess fat and help remove fat from the body. Deal with Allergies and Hay Fever the natural way. No need for Antihistamines and their negative side-effects.Malva Leaf (also called Chinese Mallow and Dong Kui) The Malva or Chinese Mallow plant (Malva verticillata) is a member of the Malvaceae family which also includes the Marsh Mallow and the Hibiscus. The leaves have a mild and very pleasant flavor. Malva has been cultivated in China for over 2,500 years, and is now cultivated in some countries of Europe as a tasty salad green. Malva seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavonoids. In traditional medicine, the Malva leaf was often made into a tea to sooth the membranes of the digestive system. It is demulcent (the mucilage soothes and softens irritated tissues, especially the mucus membranes), mild diuretic, emollient (softens the skin), galactogogue (increases milk flow in nursing mothers), and a mild laxative (a gentle stimulant of the bowels). Malva Leaf teas are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst, and diarrhea. Malva Leaf has been used to treat stomach ache, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, and conditions of the spleen. The Chinese use Malva Leaf as an expectorant and as a demulcent gargle to soothe a sore throat. It can also soothe a bronchial irritation in persons with bronchitis or emphysema. (Beware of Chinese Mallow teas which also contain Senna or Cassia angustifolia. Senna is a strong and harsh laxative that should only be taken occasionally because it can create bowel dependency, stomach cramps and headaches. The safe Chinese Mallow leaf is added to soothe its effects. Dr. Miller's Holy Tea does NOT contain Senna.) Marsh Mallow (also known as Sweetweed) The Marsh Mallow or Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) was used by the ancient Greeks to remedy bruises and bleeding, and as a mild laxative. It was used in medieval Europe for indigestion and diarrhea. The Marsh Mallow root or leaf was traditionally used to soothe and support the intestines. It is rich in calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, iodine, vitamin B complex, and pantothenic acid. Herbs high in mucilage, such as Marsh Mallow and Malva Leaf (of the same family), are often helpful for symptomatic relief of coughs and irritated throats. Mallow has expectorant and demulcent properties, which accounts for this herb's historical use as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Marsh Mallow root and, to a lesser extent, Marsh Mallow leaf both contain significant percentages of mucilage, a natural gummy substance that does not dissolve in water. Like other mucilage-containing substances, Marsh Mallow swells up and becomes slick when it is exposed to fluids. The resulting slippery material coats the linings of the mouth, throat, and stomach to relieve irritation and control coughing associated with respiratory conditions such as smoker's cough. For example, Marsh Mallow has been used to treat sore throats and to alleviate heartburn, and was originally used to make a candy-like medicinal lozenge. Marsh Mallow may also have mild anti-infective, immune-boosting, and diuretic properties. In the British Herbal Compendium the use of Marsh Mallow is listed for gastroenteritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, colitis, and enteritis. Topically, Marsh Mallow is used to soothe and soften irritated skin, and as a remedy for cuts, wounds, abscesses, boils, burns, and varicose veins. The edible leaves are used as salad greens in France. Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus or Carduus benedictus) has been used in traditional medicine as far back as the early sixteenth century as an appetite stimulant, astringent, blood purifier, choleretic (bile flow stimulant), diaphoretic (sweat stimulant), digestion enhancement, diuretic (increasing urine), expectorant, fever reducer, memory improver, menstrual flow stimulant, and salivation stimulant. It was cultivated in monastery gardens as a cure for smallpox and is named in honor of St. Benedict, the founder of a holy order of monks. It is still used as a flavoring in their Benedictine liqueur. Shakespeare mentioned "distilled Carduus benedictus" in his stage play, Much Ado About Nothing. Blessed Thistle has been used for smallpox, malaria, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion, chronic constipation, and flatulence. More recently studies have shown it to be useful for indigestion, heartburn, and poor appetite. Blessed Thistle helps increase appetite in people with digestion or eating disorders such as anorexia (but does not increase the appetite of normal people). In herbal medicine, Blessed Thistle is used for cancer, infections, inflammation, gallbladder disease, jaundice, liver disorders, cervical dysplasia, heart ailments, skin ulcers, yeast infection, and diarrhea. Though it has also been used traditionally to stimulate breast milk flow, it should not be confused with a different milk-stimulating plant called Milk Thistle or Holy Thistle (Silybum marianum).Subject: Tea FeedbackHi Everyone,
I'm getting even more stoked about the holy tea. I've had so much feedback from people drinking the tea for the last 4 - 6 mos. Lots of people with fibromyalgia, auto immune disorders, cancer, Chrohns, etc seeing tremendous improvements with drinking the tea over time. Even cataracts and glaucoma clearing up.I've been wondering what it is that works so well in the tea. Then two weeks ago I got my answer… it makes so much sense to me. It is full of negative ions! That explains to me why it is so healthy for everyone and why it so simply pulls out foreign substances from your cells .....the negative ionic charges attach to positively charged molecules (unhealthy acidic waste, toxins, parasites etc) and escort them out of the body, layer by layer. The negative ions act like magnets in attaching to the undesirable positively charged molecules, pulling them out of the cells where they have been stored as waste and simply washing them out of your body.People pay big bucks to get products like this that are full of negative ions. It is so healthy for all ages…..drinking the tea with meals also adds in essential enzymes, minerals, negative ions and an alkaline mix that our body searches for in our food. It then enables the elimination of acidic waste and toxins that have already accumulated in our cells and organs. They say it takes a full year of drinking this healthy (negative ionic) tea before it completely eliminates the toxic build-up in our entire body.
Remember when introducing this to people for the first time, they need to start gradually. Their body is not used to having such a powerful support and their system may be highly toxic. Have them start with half the recommended amount (1 oz Concentrate with 6 oz. warm or hot water) ….take it just once a day at their biggest meal…usually suppertime. If that’s too much, start with even less. From there you can gradually increase the frequency and the amount of concentrate as your body tolerates it. Love, Elainereflux. I won't miss a day without drinking my tea. I used to have terrible knife-like sharp pains in my stomach from the Crohn's and IBS, and a great deal of discomfort from the acid reflux. Dr. Miller's tea has cleared all of this up, and I lost almost 30 pounds as well. My husband lost more weight than I did. I swear by the tea and would not be without it."- Ruth and Billy Hurt, Cedar Grove, TN"Since I began taking Dr. Miller's Tea I no longer need to take Nexium, and my Acid Reflux is totally cleared up. I dropped from 240 to 185 lbs., and even though I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day the doctor said he could not believe how clear my lungs are, as if I did not smoke. The Tea is the best health product I have ever taken!"- William Griffen, Jackson, TN"Not only did the Tea make me look years younger, I feel years younger too, and have more energy than ever. I tell everyone this is a 'must have' product."- Sally May, Jackson, TN (she lost 60+ pounds)"As a member of the medical community, I was quite familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatments available for Crohn's. I became much more knowledgeable in this regard as I became a victim of this so-called incurable disorder. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind Dr. Miller's Tea. I have experienced personally the pain and discomfort that results from Crohn's and I have also done exhaustive research into the possible treatments and cures. Dr. Miller's Tea is the only viable solution I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease."- Dr. Dennis Read, Jackson, TN Here's what some Holy Tea users said about weight loss..."I began drinking Dr. Miller's Tea in September, 2006, and won't go a day without it now. I saw the results almost immediately, losing 52 pounds between September and December, and this was during the prime weight-gain season of the end-of-year holidays. After having tried pills, shakes, and about everything else you can think of, I am thrilled to have something that actully works and is so easy to stick to and easy to afford. I tell everone who will listen that Dr. Miller can help them." - Dawn McLemore, Henderson, TN"I have dropped from a size 14 to a size 6 by drinking Dr. Miller's Tea. I feel better, my skin is the best it has ever been, I have more energy, and I have more self confidence and self esteem. I feel like I look the best I have looked in my entire life. The Tea is great, because you can continue to eat what you like and normally eat, but still lose the weight. Tara, Parsons, TN"In two months of drinking Dr. Miller's Tea, I have lost 15 pounds, feel better than I have in years and no longer have the bloating and acid reflux I was having. It is an amazing product. Everyone should try it!" - Rose, Jackson, TN"The Tea took the fat out of my body, added muscle tone, increased my energy level and curbed my appetite. My skin is smoother than it has ever been." - Anita Buford, Brownsville, TN (she lost 83 pounds in 10 months)"I have been drinking Dr. Miller's Tea for almost 6 years now. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months and have kept the weight off. The tea makes my entire body feel great. I tried about every weight loss product on the market before I found Dr. Miller. The tea works with no adverse side effects and is great for your entire system. I would be happy to recommend the tea to anyone." - Kay Patterson, Social Security & Disability Judge, Nashville, TN Holy Tea Improves Quality of Life...I have been drinking Dr. Miller's Tea for almost 5 years. It has helped me lose over 50 pounds and keep it off, and keep me healthier than I had been for 40 years. I can now travel and enjoy my retirement, where before I did not feel well enough to do so. I am amazed by the results of the Tea for both me and friends I have told about it. One friend of mine, who is 70 years old, has had terrible migraines for the past 10 years, which were about to drive him crazy. After a couple of months drinking Dr. Miller's Tea, he no longer has the migraines. Some of the results I see with the Tea just baffle me."- Nancy Moy, Chicago, IL"I own and operate an Assisted Living Facility that houses 15 residents. I began drinking Dr. Miller's Tea about six years ago due to my high blood pressure and blood sugar problems, both of which are health issues that run in my family. I now have no problems with either of those issues, and I have no doubt that the Tea is the reason.After I had been taking the Tea personally for a couple of years, I began to serve it to the residents of the ALF, every one of them. They all won't be without it now. I've personally seen it correct a multitude of health issues in people from their mid 50s to over 90 years old. I have a 90 year old resident who I believe the Tea is the only thing that provides her any hope of a quality of life. If she doesn't drink the Tea, she is like a sack of bricks. It's as if the Tea erases 20 years of aging from her.Also, my sister was having health problems and had been told that she needed to schedule surgery for intestinal problems. As soon as she told me, I made sure she was drinking the Tea. She has not had surgery and now has none of the health issues that were prompting the surgery. Her husband was literally dumbfounded by the results. Needless to say, they are avid Dr. Miller Tea drinkers.The Tea works wonders."- Wanda Grady, Cedar Grove, TN This is a most recent letter from my client: January 2008 My lifestyle is such that I leave my home at 0900 hours every morning and typically get back around midnight Most of my meals are either consumed at the local Middle Eastern / Mexican restaurants or at the homes of friend. I keep a "Ball" pint canning jar in my office. Whenever I am going out to eat, I put 8-10 ounces of cold Holy Tea in the jar - and off I go. This ensures that I will be able to drink the Holy Tea with my meal. This is so important. The enzymes in the Holy Tea help me digest my food without any heartburn / acid reflux / bloating. Food just gets "processed" much more efficiently - and there is never any chance that I will be constipated. And most importantly - I can feel the "benefit" of my food in terms of increased energy. Finally - my appetite has collapsed - I now only eat what I need to eat. I would guess that my typical portions of food have decreased by 50% - yet I am never hungry. I am down two full inches off my waist in 15 days and I fully expect to shed another two inches in April. Weight is not important to me - the inches around the waistline are my concern.
Cheers Dan
Hello Jan Just wanted to give you an update on my experience with the Holy Tea… …it has now been 7 weeks for me on the tea and I am really noticing more and more benefits! I went to see my nutritionist this past Saturday…she uses kinesiology (muscle testing) when checking the various organ systems, skeletal systems, and electrical systems of the body…and selects needed nutrients by muscle testing first… (I saw her in October and I had 18 areas that were challenged…a couple of more than when I had seen here about 4 months prior!) I began the Holy Tea in late November…drinking 8 oz. twice a day…and even missing a few times while traveling…and when I saw her this past Saturday, my system had recovered in 11 of those areas… …she was just amazed. I told her about the Holy Tea…she had heard about it but hadn’t tried it yet…I brought some with me and she tested me for it…and…it was, of course, compatible with my body. Needless to say she encouraged me to continue the Holy Tea. The big things I have noticed is that my energy level is consistent throughout the day…which is a BIG improvement for me. I don’t seem to have those late afternoon lows…feeling lethargic…and I am SO grateful. Also my elimination is so much improved…every day…at least two – three times a day…and my bloated stomach is beginning to lessen. And I don’t seem to have as many “mood swings” – my emotions are much more stable…which makes this Italian woman very happy. So…I’m definitely keeping Holy Tea as a part of my nutritional life and I would encourage you to keep drinking the tea…things will continue to improve overall…but it’s a process…so hang in there as consistently as possible. I just celebrated my 62nd birthday…and I am feeling better than I have in a long, long time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Wishing you MANY blessings of health and joy… Linda Marie February 2008This is a testimony from my friend Christine Shull in Montana. Thought some of you might be interested in seeing it. As of yesterday she called me and has released a bunch of Gall Stones for the second time!!! What a wonderful thing to be happening to our bodies with such effortless consciousness on our parts. Praise God!!! Holy Cow what was that???? That is how I feel now that I'M using Dr. Miller's Holy tea. I have suffered from stomach pain for a long time, maybe a year. I took more colon cleanses, food enzymes, castor oil packs, visits with a doctor, and he did ultra sound. I have done 2 gallbladder flushes, and I was still in pain, that pain is all gone now.When I do feel any discomfort, I know the HOLY TEA is cleaning something else out. I could hardly eat anything with out hurting. After 3 weeks of being on the tea I, ate a Costco dog loaded, with absloutelyNo after pain!!! I have been using the tea now for a couple of months with many great successes!I have expelled things I could hardly believe, and because this tea works mainly though the colon one may mistakenly think it is only a colon cleanse, wrong!!! Holy tea is a very gentle but effective total body cleanse. Cleaning organs, blood, tissues, colon and much more. When I started the HOLY TEA , I started seeing things hit the porcelain like I have never seen before Large stools, small white rice like creatures, large hard old pellets, old black stringy stuff, green gallstones, and the last thing I saw. I called the one an only Doctor Miller himself, explaining to him what I saw.I saw several pieces of ivory colored, wax like in appearance and very hard tear drop shaped something nearly 1/8inch thick."That my dear said the doctor was cholesterol." "The very thing people die young from ."I have loss 4 inches round my mid section, I call this WEIGHT LOSS thru Detox Testimony of Christine Shull Why People Use Dr. Miller's HOLY TEA · weight loss · shrinking a bulging belly · increased energy · increased clarity and concentration · clear, soft and younger-looking skin · detoxification · eliminating heavy metals · colon cleansing · intestinal parasites and worms · yeast infections · clearing out nicotine and second-hand smoke · stop smoking aid · clearing out pharmaceutical drug residues · clearing out recreational drug residues · indigestion · acid reflux · irregularity · constipation · hard stools · hemorrhoids · irritable bowel (IBS) · colitis / Crohn's disease · diverticulitis · chronic diarrhea · bad body odor · bad breath or halitosis · belching · excess gas · foul flatulence · skin rash or dermatitis · eczema · psoriasis · acne · itchy skin or scalp · scaly skin or scalp · food allergies · hay fever and allergies · high blood pressure · high cholesterol · healthy colon · healthy liver · healthy kidneys · healthy lungs · general wellness · good for diabetics Who Uses Holy Tea? Dr. Miller's Holy Tea - formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee - is a unique herbal blend of all natural ingredients. It's name is taken from the traditional name of one of the ingredients, a widely-used medicinal herb known as Holy Thistle, and is not intended to imply any religious significance - although grateful users who experienced remarkable health improvements after drinking Holy Tea often thank God for this gift of healing! Dr. Miller's Holy Tea is a safe and gentle detoxifying herbal tea which has been used with great results for over 20 years in Dr. Miller's two clinics by thousands of persons who suffered with:· Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) · Indigestion / Stomach Ache · Constipation / Hemorrhoids · Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Chron's Disease · Abdominal Pain / Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs) · Spastic Colon / Colitis / Ileitis · Excess Gas / Flatulence · Bad Breath / Bad Body Odor · Belching / Bloating · Enlarged Abdomen / Protruding Belly · Excess Stored Fat / Excess Weight / Obesity · Skin Conditions / Itchy, flaky skin or scalp · Inflamed Skin / Dermatitis / Eczema / Psoriasis · Allergies and Hay Fever / Food Allergies · Low Energy / Loss of Mental Clarity and Concentration Holy Tea Benefits Over the past 20 years, thousands of patients at the Jackson Health & Wellness Clinic in Tennessee have taken Dr. Miller's Holy Tea to cleanse their colon, detox their body and lose weight, and thousands have achieved beneficial results and given glowing testimonials (see below). Now it's time to make it available to the rest of the USA, and to the world. Dr. Miller's patients have successfully used Holy Tea to: · feel more energy · take inches off their belly and reduce fat everywhere · restore mental clarity and improve memory diminished by too many toxins in the blood · get relief from allergies and hay fever · clean out pharmaceutical or recreational drug residues · clean out nicotine and second-hand smoke deposits · aid in a stop smoking program · keep the colon, kidneys, liver, and lungs healthy and clean · improve digestion and absorption of nutrients · help detoxify chemicals created by parasites, fungi and bacteria in colon and digestive tract · remove parasites such as worms and flukes from the colon · help remove toxins from the entire digestive system · restore regularity and reduce auto-intoxication · end constipation, hard stools, and hemorrhoids · help relieve digestive ailments such as Irritable Bowel, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Colitis · clear skin conditions and body odor caused by internal toxins being excreted through sweat glands · have skin which is clear, soft and younger-looking · reduce high cholesterol and hypertension Dr. Miller's Holy Tea may also be used as an element in any Weight Loss Program but just taking the Holy Tea regularly often results in a reduction in the amount of stored fat in the body, and a reduction in the size of the abdomen or belly. For some people, the weight loss has been achieved quickly and rather dramatically, but individual results will vary. When the excess weight is actually from impacted fecal matter inside the colon, no amount of dieting or fat loss can reduce the size of the belly. With continued use of Dr. Miller's Holy Tea one may experience clearer, healthier and younger-looking skin; increased energy; increased mental clarity and focus; a better memory; more resistance to diseases; better overall health; more comfort with the body; and a happier outlook on life. Dr. Bridget Ann BagleyTo your Health and Wellness by Sandra
Call with questions to 617 335 9370 in USA & PR only please or 339 440 5492 or e-mail to: ph@sandramschriefer.com Join the Holy Tea Club at: www.wholewellnessclub.net/energyworker for the best price and save.